Chapter twenty •Eddies trailer•

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Eddie lead us right to his trailer which I'd only been to a few times since Eddie said my place was better on every level.

"Yo (y/n) can people without Asthma use your inhaler?" Steve asked coughing a whole bunch. I tossed it at him.

"Fresh air awaits us." Eddie grabbed onto my hand squeezing it tight.

"I would totally kiss you right now if we weren't surrounded by basically strangers." I giggled at him before having another coughing fit.

"Let's get her out of here," Nancy said opening the door to the trailer and we saw the same hole as the lake on the ceiling of the trailer. Steve handed back the inhaler which I took another puff out of.

"This is where Chrissy died. Like right where she died." Glancing at him he still looked shaken about it.

"I think there's something in there," Robin said and I quickly went over stabbing the hole.

"What are you doing!" Steve shouted and it popped.

"Fucking shit!" Dustin shouted wiping his face clean of goo.

"Dusty bun!" I cheered and he groaned. I coughed tapping my chest for a moment. The others came to my side seeing the group of kids.

"Holy shit this is trippy. " Robin breathed and a mattress came into view.

"Those stains are uh... I don't know what those stains are." Nudging Eddie he chuckled at me.

"I think I know what they are," Steve said gesturing to the two of us. Eddie laughed nudging my side.

"Can we focus?" Nancy said and we stopped bickering.

"Not sure how these physics are going to work but uh here goes nothing." a rope made of sheets went up and fell down on our side.

"Alright, you'll on it and see if it holds!" Dustin shouted and Robin tugged on the rope. Nothing happened.

"Alright (y/n) you go first," Nancy said and I gladly took the rope.

"Fresh air here I come." I wheezed out grabbing on and starting to climb up, the second I went past the hole my hair flipped upside down and I turned my body to land on my feet.

"Superhero landing," Lucas whispered and I rolled my eyes taking one last puff from my inhaler.

"Fresh fucking air my friend." coughing again I went over to the sink spitting out as much as the pollution as I could which isn't really a thing you can do but when using the last of the water I rinsed my mouth. Robin fell through next followed by Eddie who came by me to the sink.

"Everything alright now." Eddie breathed.

"Yeah fresh air. I'm already feeling better." Eddie nodded cupping my cheek.

"I really do love you you know." He whispered and I smiled. "And I'm not one for all this mushy shit." Laughing in response I kissed him softly.

"I love you too."

"Nancy? Nancy!" Something bad was happening. Walking back to the gate Nancy was frozen while Steve shook her.

"Vecna," Max said and I glanced to her and then back to the gate. It wasn't over. Not for a long shot.

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