Chapter nineteen •Does SOS count?•

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We made it to the Wheeler house, which surprise it was just like outside, ashy and disgusting for my lungs as ever.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler," Robin said breaking the silence of everyone. The door shut behind me.

"Come on I don't want to spend any more time here than we have to." Robin and Eddie started to follow and I sat down leaning against a patch of wall without any vines on it.

"I'll just be here, catching my breath." And the others went on. Humming a Metallica song I was sitting still and when I heard a shh noise. I peeked an eye open. "What are you doing?" I asked Steve who waved me off walking through to the kitchen. Groaning I stood back up following him. He had a crazy look in his eye which I stepped closer to him to breathe out. "You know I'm starting to believe Robin and this Rabies thing. Harrington talk to me."

"You're telling me you can't hear him?" He turned back shining the light in my face which I swatted away.

"Hear who exactly?"

"Your cousin Dustin." I frowned at him shaking my head.

"If I was hearing that little shit then...." That's when I heard it some sort of echo of his voice. It was faint so I couldn't quite understand it. "Holy Christ on a cracker." Steve nodded grinning happily to know I could hear him too and started shouting.

"Dustin! Dustin can you hear me hello! Why aren't you helping me?" Steve asked.

"Asthma mate. Do you want me having an attack?" Loud footsteps came from upstairs as the three others came running down to join us.

"Maybe he really does have rabies." Robin whispered.

"Where are the guns?" I asked spinning my heel back to them seeing the empty hands.

"Hawkins is stuck in 1983. What is Steve doing?" Nancy asked and I glanced to Steve who was still shouting for Dustin.

"He can hear Dustin. I can too but shouting isn't in my cards at the moment." They all blinked at me.

"He can hear Henderson in the walls?" Eddie said not believing me. Steve shone his light at us.

"Shhh, listen listen." Steve went on shouting again just before all the others heard also going around calling out to him.

"Alright everyone I don't think the kid can hear you," I said and they stopped finally.

"Or he's being a total douchebag." Possible in many other situations but not this one.

"Will found a way. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights." Nancy started trying all the lights in the living room which weren't doing anything.

"You doing alright?" Eddie whispered to me and I nodded.

"I will be once we're out of here."

"Guys? Are you seeing this?" Steve said pointing the light to the lamps on the ceiling. They were glowing like sparkles around the lights. Nancy raised her hand into the light and it glowed brighter.

"Woah," Eddie said as him Robin and I walked over joining us all together to below the light. We all raised our hands to the lights. It felt weird as hell. Similar to pins and needles.

"It tickles," Steve said and I dropped my hand down shaking my hand.

"It kinda feels good," Robin said and Eddie wiggled his eyebrows at me. I nudged his shoulder.

"Does anyone know morse code?" Nancy said and everyone said no.

"Wait does SOS count? Is that good?" We sighed at him.

"Eddie babe seriously?" I breathed out shaking my head. Then he began tapping the lamp until Dustin noticed.

Dustin told us he had a plan so we followed his voice back up to Nancy's room all crouching down by the bed until a light popped up. Too shocked to say anything as it began to work Nancy began writing the letters H I which Dustin did a happy little jig about.

"That worked!"

"Yes! Yes! Hi!" Eddie grasped onto my shoulders shaking me for a moment.

Was the next word Nancy wrote.

"You guys can't go through the water gate?" Dustin shouted back. It's like he was shouting from downstairs it was so faint.

"What the hell is watergate?" Steve breathed out.

"Cause it's in water and it's a gate," Robin said and everyone thought on that for a moment before Nancy wrote. G U A R D E D

"We think we have a theory that can help with that. We think the water gate isn't the only gate. That there's a gate at every murder site."

"Does anyone know what he's talking about?"

"Well yeah, a rip between both worlds is made every time someone is kills." Nancy nodded then thought for a moment.

"How far is your trailer?" Nancy asked Eddie.

"Seven miles." Damn, I'm not running that far.

"Nancy I know your house is like frozen in time and shit but haven't you always had bikes?" Nancy stood and we all followed going down to the garage where everyone got their bikes.

"I don't know about you guys but I will have an asthma attack for sure if I ride a bike for seven miles." Eddie tapped the back of his bike. 

"My lady." Sitting down wrapping both arms around him, Eddie. We all road together and I relaxed back into him trying to regulate my breathing as much as possible.

"Hey, Eddie?" I whispered resting my chin on his shoulder. Eddie glanced back at me before looking ahead not to tip us over.

"Yes beautiful." I didn't really know how to say it and licked my lips.

"With what's happened the past few days and what might happen. I thought I should...I just don't know how to say it." Eddie chuckled bringing a hand to hold onto my ones wrapped to his stomach.

"I love you too." My lips went to his neck kissing him briefly now for the first time in the last three days a total calm washed over me as I held onto him tighter hopefully on our way to freedom and fresh air.

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