I roll my eyes. He's so unaffected by it, but what can I expect? People like him don't think about anything but themselves. What he needs to essence of the spell still lingering in my blood for better be worth it, although I suspect it won't.

"I just found my mate." My attempt to garner sympathy from him is probably a waste of time, but I'm tied to this chair and my blood is being drained - it's not as if I can do anything else but talk.

Keo examines his fingernails. "It's a shame, I know."

"Do you have a mate?" I press. I doubt he is capable of loving anything other than himself. Even though I don't know him, that feels like a safe assumption to make.

"Not yet," he mutters.

"Imagine if they were me...Imagine you just found them, and they were stolen from you by someone claiming they would do the right thing," I tell him, sitting up a little straighter.

Keo's amused expression cools off, a deep frown settling between his brows.

"Don't..." he warns.

"Imagine you're so in love with this person, and they are taken from you before you can even properly enjoy them." I'm practically begging for him to see this from my side, to understand what I'm going through so he will let me go.

"You're talking to the wrong person. Whether I find my mate or not, it doesn't matter. No one will ever love me, so Hale's fate will never be mine," he responds simply.

Maybe he is so aware of all the terrible things he has done that he knows no good person could ever want him. Or maybe he is just saying that out of a belief he is truly unlovable.

I'm not about to contest that...

"And do you really trust Relm?" I ask. He seems like a very powerful man who could turn on anyone in a moment with no consequences.

Keo shrugs. "I trust nobody."

"What if we made a deal." I can feel myself fading fast. If I don't get out of this quick, I won't even be able to speak for myself.

"And what could you possibly have to barter with? I'm getting all I want from you," he reminds me, motioning down to the blood, which I've now stopped myself from looking at to avoid getting sick from it.

"Are you? It sounds like my blood will be enough to enchant a single item, correct?" I'm assuming that is what he means when he speaks about a conduit.

Keo narrows his eyes, sceptical about my intentions.

Obviously he is somewhat curious about what I have to offer, considering he's standing here listening to me. He could have followed Relm out and left me to die alone.

"That's the idea."

"What if you could have more of my blood, to enchant more items for you to use?" I ask, digging my fingers into the arms of the chair that I am tied to.

Come on Keo, take my bait.

"You're only one girl, Vaela," he reminds me softly. He's considering my offer, though. There is something seriously big at stake, and I want to take advantage of his quiet desperation.

"But my blood replenishes, in time. Now I'm Immortal, I'll be far stronger to donate blood to your cause."

It's not ideal, to be a slave to Keo for the rest of my life, but I'm dying, and anything to get out of here is worth it. Additionally, Hale and I could find a way to deter Keo from ever wanting anything to do with me again.

"What makes you think I need more than one item?" He's testing me, seeing how much I know.

"Because you're not travelling between these Realms...You've got help, from him. With this magic, you may be able to on your own, but I get the feeling if you're already here, it's not yourself who you want to be transporting," I say.

Much of my strategic thoughts are starting to get lost in my faintness. I'm certain I am right about this though.

Especially as Keo narrows his eyes upon me.


"And, you may need more magic for more people," I say slowly, my words starting to slur together.

Keo crosses his arms over his chest, examining me with a gold gaze. "What would you get, for making this deal?"

I've won. This has to be my chance to get out of here...

"My life. Let me live, get me out of here and return me to my mate, and the deal is yours," I promise him. It's not exactly like I can run. He's tricked me into his clutches before, and he knows he can again.

"The moment I return you to your mate, he keeps me from you," he reminds me, looking irritated just at the mention of it.

"He won't. I know you're powerful, that you could kill me. And I'm willing to help you, if you save my life," I insist. He has no reason to trust me, but the temptation of having more of my blood to do whatever he pleases with is too much to resist.

He steps forward. "I need a guarantee. I need more than your word."

"Whatever you want. It's my life we are talking about," I remind him, looking at my blood as it flows through the tube.

Keo pauses for a long moment, contemplating his decision.

Finally he sighs, leaning forward to pull the needle from my skin. "I think I might have an idea."


As always, the story will be available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!!

As always, the story will be available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!!!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You can also find it on GoodNovel (:



Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

~Midika 💜🐼

The Immortal Prince ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ