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Word Count: 1723


Eyla smooths over the paper she has stuck to the wall in the book room, twisting back around.

Hale and I sit on different chairs, having been summoned in here moments ago by my eager friend. We exchange amused glances, as Eyla pops the top off her marker, straightening.

"Okay, so here's the plan."

"This should be good," Hale murmurs over the top of his glass.

"To find your mate, we are going to have to narrow down our searches. Now tell us, Vaela, what do you look for in a mate?" Eyla asks, raising a quizzical brow in my direction.

Startled, I look toward Hale for help, but he merely shrugs his shoulders, smirking as he takes a long drink.

"You know this isn't how I find a mate. It could be anyone," I remind her. I have no intuition about who my mate could be at all.

Eyla rolls her eyes at my lack of cooperation. "This will help, trust me. Law of attraction."

"I don't think that applies here," Hale muses.

Eyla's fist clenches around her marker a little tighter. "We can do without snarky comments, idiot."

Hale's eyes twinkle. "You just love calling me that."

"It's because I mean it," she bites back.

Rolling my eyes, I settle further back into my seat. These two could argue all day if I allowed it. Especially when it comes to my mate, since both of them prefer different methods in finding them.

"He's got to be kind," I decide.

Eyla blinks, expression blank. Glancing at Hale, I see him smothering a smile, looking straight ahead.

"That's it?" Eyla questions.

"Well, no, that's not it...But it's a start?" I exclaim warily, propping my feet on the edge of my chair so I can hug my knees.

"That book over there could be conceived as kind. Come on Vaela, give us more!"

Closing my eyes, I try to imagine the kind of person I would want to spend the rest of my life with. Pitifully, visions of Hale come to mind. Great. I'm screwed.

"Ah, he has to be sympathetic of my situation. I can't have him easily frightened by me needing help right now," I decide. That would only inconvenience things more.

Eyla nods. "Of course, goes without saying."

I sigh, wondering what she wants to hear. "Well, then I guess he has to be kind of humorous?"

Her head tilts. "Kind of?"

"He must know how to tease me a little, but know when to stop. And he can't make light of every little thing. That will start to bother me after a while," I explain.

My eyes remained trained on Eyla. If I glance at Hale, I'll see his watchful eyes and amused smile, and feel even worse about this. Both of them are solidifying how pointless this is.

"Alright, fair enough," Eyla grumbles. She probably wants me to say I want a tall, brooding man with mysterious silver tattoos and an ethereal air about him.

"And he must...ah, he must..." I break, unsure of what to say.

Eyla sighs, tapping her foot impatiently. "Physical attributes?"


"Hair colour?"

"Oh Eyla, you know I couldn't care less what he looks like. As long as he's good to me," I assure her. No one has ever been unattracted to their mate, so looks haven't carried much importance during my pursuit.

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