Fight or Fright

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"I'm telling you it was here!" Simmons starts

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"I'm telling you it was here!" Simmons starts. "It drove by while you were talking. You had your back turned and it went zoom right behind you!" He says to Sarge.

"Well it really sounded like:" Donut makes a machine noises."

Simmons turns to Donut. "That's not the important part of the story Donut!"

 "That's not the important part of the story Donut!"

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"Sure Simmons, I believe you." Sarge starts. "You saw an enormous tank that appeared miraculously and then just as quickly disappeared. And you're the only one that can see it. Just like signs of Donut's heterosexuality."

"No I'm not!" Simmons yells. "Donut saw it."

"Yeah." Donut says.

"Donut's impressionable." Sarge says. "He'd agree with anything you said."

"Yeah." Donut says.

"Aw hell, he'd eat a spoonful of dirt if you told him it tasted like chocolate."

"Huh! That's not true!" Donut says.

"Haha. So that's where you draw the line?" Sarge asks.

"No, I mean it's not true that dirt tastes like chocolate. Right?" Donut asks. "Seriously, right?"

"Okay, well Grif and Ash saw it too. We all saw it." Simmons tells Sarge.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't see a damn thing." Grif says.

"I'm not the insane one this time, Sarge." Ash says. "I didn't see a fucking thing."

Simmons turns to them. "What?!"

Ash turns to Simmons. "I was busy planning on how to build my MAC cannon."

Grif turns to Simmons. "Tank you say? I have no idea what you're talking about. I was too busy paying attention to out Sergeant while he gave us our orders."

"Oh really?" Simmons asks. "Well what did he say?"

"Something inspiring about beating the blues. And the base or the flag, or something. I'm pretty sure he mentioned a pole cat too. I was getting a little emotional at the end."

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