Chapter 6: The Date

Começar do início

"So tell me a little about you!" I exclaim. Dan nods his head and tells me about himself.

"What would you guys like to order?" A man with a thick British accent asks us.

Crap! I don't know what to order! This is another reason why I don't like restaurants!

"Um I'm actually not that hungry!" I state. Dan looks at me funny and then orders his food.

"I'll be right back! I have to use the bathroom!" I tell Dan as I stand up and leave to go and find the bathroom.

When I get in the bathroom, I quickly pull out my phone and call Mak.


Mak: Hello?

Lauren: Mak! I need your help!

Mak: Why what happened?

Lauren: Well Dan took me to this cute little restaurant and you know how I get at restaurants! I got really flustered and then I didn't order anything! What should I do?!

Mak: Just stay calm! You'll be fine if you don't eat for a little while! Just eat when you get home! I will have pizza there when you get here!

Lauren: Thanks Mak! You're a lifesaver!

Mak: I know! Now get back to your date!

Lauren: Bye!

Mak: Bye!

I hang up my phone and walk out of the bathroom.

"Everything alright?" Dan asks me when I get back to the table.

"Yeah, I just don't feel at that good!" I explain.

"Why didn't you say something! We can leave if you want!" Dan exclaims.

"No no no! It's fine!" I reply. Wow lying again.

"Okay then." Dan says.

Dan and I continue to talk and get to know each other. Sometime during our conversation, Dan gets his food. And I'm not lying when I say he ate it in 2 minutes.

Dan pays for the food and we leave. Finally!

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Dan questions.

"No, I'm not." I lie. I'm actually starving.

We walk down the streets, passing shops. We finally arrived at my place a little later.

"So did you have fun?" Dan asks.

"Yeah." I respond.

"You don't sound so sure." Dan says. I

"Well maybe next time we could do something more adventurous." I reply.

"Next time?" Dan says.

"There will be a next time right?" I ask.

"Of course!" Dan exclaims.

"And one more thing." I say.


"I don't really like restaurants." I confess.

"I knew you didn't like it." Dan replies.

"I'm sorry, really!" I quickly respond.

"Don't stress!" Dan laughs.

"So since this is the end of the night, I
wanted to ask you something. Will you be-"

"I don't want nobody but you!" Ricky Dillon sings.

Great! My phone had to go off now!

"One sec!" I say. I take my phone out and answer it.

"Where are you?!" Mak asks.

"Outside! Now shush I'll be in, in a minute!" I whisper yell into the phone. I end the call and put it away.

"Now what were you going to ask me?" I ask.

"Oh nothing. Never mind." Dan says.

"Oh okay." I reply, a little disappointed.

At this point I couldn't handle it any more. I had to kiss him.

I crash my lips on his. Dan reacted fast and kissed back. The kiss deepened quickly. My hands were bunching up the back of Dan's shirt. Dan's hands were roaming my back.

I pulled away, not wanting to.

"Now, what were you going to ask me?"

"Lauren, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Absolutely!" I squeal, now knowing that he likes it.

I kiss him one more time before opening the door.

"Bye Dan! See you soon yeah?"

"Of course!" Dan says, waving as he leaves.

"I know
I'm in love with him." I whisper to myself.

I can't believe this! Dan Howell is my boyfriend! How did this happen?!
This seriously must be a dream!

*Dan's POV*

As I leave, I whisper to myself "I know I'm in love with her."

London LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora