The Sighting

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It was a cold rainy day. She wakes to hear her phone ringing. Buzz Buzz. "Hello?" she answered her phone."Andrea ! Where are you? I need you right now, you were supposed to be here an hour ago!" said her sister Faith. "Faith I-I'm so sorry I must have fallen A sleep studying last night for my exams and I must of slept through my alarm. I promise you, I will be there as soon as I can." " As soon as you can? You know what I don't care! You should have been here at 10am !" Faith hangs up. She gets out of bed so fast she practically fell. "Ow!" Andrea shouted. She looked at the mirror and saw a huge scratch on her leg. "Shit!" said Andrea. She went to the bathroom. Andrea brushed her teeth. "Oh my god it's already 1:37 pm? I was supposed to be at the salon with the bridal party at 10am !" "My sister is getting married at 3pm.. I don't know if I will make it in time?" Andrea started putting on some makeup as fast as she could. "Ok ok some foundation , blush , eyeliner and mascara." Andrea rushed nervously while putting on her makeup. Then Andrea lightly curled her hair as fast as she could. Andrea searched her purse nervously trying to find the card in her purse for her sister Faith and soon to be brother in -law Mike.  Andrea gave up searching for the card and shoved her keys, wallet, makeup and gum in her purse. Andrea opened her closet door and slipped into her black fitted dress. The black fitted dress fit Andrea like a glove. She looked gorgeous. Andrea slipped into sandals and grabbed her purse with some black heels. She turned on her car. "Shit! There's some much traffic. Faith is going to kill me !" said Andrea. She kept driving and driving. Finally after 31 mins of driving Andrea arrived at Fell's church. Andrea stepped out of her car and put on her black heels. Andrea quickly grabbed her purse and started walking into the church. Andrea was wearing a long black coat with her black fitted dress and black heels that were almost as shiny as the moon. Andrea stepped into Fell's church and opened the doors. All eyes where on her. But the first face she saw was her mother and fathers. She walked up to the pew with her family. She sat next to her mother and father, they looked at Andrea with disappointment on their faces for coming late. Andrea's mother and father started speaking Italian to her and they only did this when she was younger if she was in trouble. "Cosa stai facendo? Perché sei arrivato tardi!" said her mother in Italian. Which in English meant "What are you doing? Why did you come late !" "Mamma, mi dispiace tanto di aver studiato per gli esami!" said Andrea in Italian. In English meant " Mom I'm so sorry I was studying for exams all night-" said Andrea. The two church bells rang and music started playing. Everyone standed up. Andrea's sister Faith started walking down the aisle. With her long beaded dress. Andrea watched her sister Faith get married even though she was late. She finally made it to her sisters wedding. After the ceremony it was time for the reception. But between the ceremony and the reception family & guests had 3 hours to spare. Andrea and her family all walked out of Fell's Chruch. You name it Andrea's Mother,Father, Aunts & Uncles and her 4 other siblings including the bride Faith. Before Andrea's mother and father Marie & Giuseppe could get angry with her. Her 2 brothers Jacob and Marcus pulled her aside. "Andrea, where have you been ?" said her brother Jacob. " what did you do to make mama so angry with you Andrea?" said her brother Marcus. "I-I slept in late and missed my alarm." said Andrea embarrassed. "You slept in?" said her older brothers Jacob & Marcus. "Yeah" said Andrea. Jacob & Marcus started laughing hysterically. "What?" said Andrea with panic in her voice. "You? Andrea Grace Antonella Ferrari slept in?" said Jacob.
"Yeah so what?" said Andrea. "Wow" said Marcus. "Andrea Grace Antonella Ferrari get your ass over here now!" said Andrea's father Giuseppe. "Ok" said Andrea. "How could you do this too your sister ?" said Giuseppe. Andrea stayed quiet and was lost for words. "Huh? Tell me why? You scared me, your mother and your sister !" said Giuseppe. "Well I'm sorry if I was trying to get an education for myself you can't blame me for that !" said Andrea raising her voice at her father. "Ok well your right. I can't blame you for getting an education but don't do that again you hear me ?" Said Giuseppe.  "Capisci Andrea?" Said Giuseppe. "Capito Papa" Said Andrea.
Andrea and her father Giuseppe resolved the issue. Marie and Giuseppe were not mad at Andrea. Andrea knew in her heart she was sorry and didn't do anything wrong or on purpose. Andrea apologized to her mother. " I'm so sorry mama I didn't mean to make you mad." Said Andrea. "Non preoccuparti Amore Mio mi dispiace Ti amo. Said Marie
"Ti amo Mama" Said Andrea.  Andrea was driving her younger sister Alexis to the near by cafe because Andrea and Alexis decided to get some coffee before the reception. "Andrea?" Said Alexis. "Yeah Ali?" Said Andrea. "What ever happened to Luca ?" Said Alexis.
"You mean my ex Luca? Did Mama pay you to ask me this ?" Said Andrea.
"No.. actually she payed me in chocolate." Said Alexis. "Well it was the right person wrong time. Our careers got in the way of the relationship and it was really hard to keep up with. That's what happened, so you can tell mama that." Said Andrea. "Thanks Andrea now mama can give pay me in more chocolate." Said Alexis. "Your welcome Ali" Said Andrea. Andrea and Alexis started laughing hysterically. Andrea drove into the drive thru. "Hi how can I help you?" Said the worker. " Hi I'm good thanks, how are you? I would like two coffees. One with vanilla syrup and the other with hazelnut syrup and some milk on the side please" Said Andrea.
"Anything else miss ?" Said the worker. "Yes may I have two blueberry muffins please?" Said Andrea. "Of course your total is $14.68. Drive to the next window please." Said the worker.
"Thank you" Said Andrea. Andrea grabbed the food and payed. Andrea and Alexis started driving to the reception hall while eating their blueberry muffins.

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