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Department head: ...I see...ok I'll go straight to the point then...where were you last night?

Y/n: at my house.

Y/n said without any expression.

Department head: any proof that you were at your home at night? 

Y/n rolled her eyes

Y/n: my siblings, my phone location and the cameras in front and at the back of my house. You can check them all

The Department heard clenched his jaw a little as y/n talked to him with full confidence. 

Department head: What kind of relationship do you have with this Mick guy?

Y/n: He was one year senior than us

Department head: heh is it just that? Are you sure there wasn't any other...

Y/n: no. ...we only had a senior and junior relationship. Nothing more.

Department head: then what was that fight about that you had that day?

Y/n: just a taekwondo fight. A challenge from the seniors.

Department head: can I know what kind of challenge it was?

Y/n: Nothing special. If I had lost he would have dated me. 

The Department heard almost choked on air 

Department head: And you think that's nothing special???

Y/n: No. Not for me

Then that guy massaged his temples in frustration and handed Y/n a paper and a pen.

Department head: leave your contact number here before you leave

Y/n nodded and wrote her contact number.

Y/n: here you go. 

Department head: by the way....why are you in such a hurry to go back to your class?

Y/n: my friends are waiting for me at the class and I don't wanna miss any more lectures. May I go now?

Department head: Yes you may.

Y/n: K. Have a nice day, sir

Y/n left the room, closing the door behind her. She turned around and saw an officer looking at her. He came to Y/n with a creepy smile and stood in front of her.

Officer: Ms, you must be really scared after that. Let me escort you to your class. 

Y/n looked at the officer dead in the eyes.

Y/ I look like I'm scared?

That officer was taken aback.

Officer: .......

Y/n: I don't need your help. Thankyou

Saying that she left the officer dumbfounded.

In the principal's office 

Department head: she is suspicious and.....I feel like I know her...

Principal rolled his eyes. 

Principal: whatever. 

At the class

Y/n came back to her friends who were waiting for her. 

Y/n: I'm Back

Jeawoon: was it?

Jungkook: Yeah, was it scary?

Y/n shook her head.

Obsession - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now