She nods slowly, answering the call.


I had to run upstairs to get my supplies for my first class, a new pair of drum sticks and a folder filled with music sheets.
Walking into the 'bard' classroom it's called- the teacher calls it that but it's just band. My drum set lies completely set up with "propiedad de Luz Noceda" on the snares, I snickered knowing Raine had to real life Google translate(my mother) it.
The tanned, dyed mint green haired nonbinary fourty six year old steps out of their office, looking at the schedule. They look up at me and smile, "Luz! My God you've shot up like a weed! What are you? 6'3??"

I laugh softly knowing exactly what they meant, somehow despite my age I'm still growing. "Not yet, But I'm nearly there!"

Many more students file in, Skara being one of them, she looks.. nervous.
Walking over to me she asks in a whisper, "did.. uh.. did you kiss Amity? If you did.. Boscha is a bit m-"   "NOCEDA!" I back up into my drum set as Boscha approaches me, I go to defend myself but I feel my nose make a pop as her fist collides with it. "I told you! I TOLD YOU about me and Amity! You have a real sack on you to go and do that!" Raine looks nervously from the spot they were in, students looking in shock as Boscha chews my ass out.
Raine starts to panic as I bite my lip angrily, my teeth gritting loudly. I take the final straw after a solid ten minutes and shove my index finger onto her collarbone "What about you and Willow- you cheating, good for nothing sack of shit?! Yeah! Don't think I didn't see Willow all snug on your lap at orientation! I have been trying my damndest to keep Amity's opinion on you the same, instead of oust you out as the hugest DOUCHE existant! So what if she accidentally kissed me through a sleep ridden high, I don't need my nose to get broken!" Resetting my crooked nose, blood drips from both nostrils.

Walking angrily out of the classroom after shoving my folder onto the bass drum, flipping her off I yell some form of 'go fuck yourself Boscha' in spanish as I head to a room designated for healers. A woman looks at me shocked, she summons up a spell to heal my broken nose. "Who or what did this to you??-" she asks worriedly, I look away with a look of pure anger. "Someone I thought was my friend punched me because of an accident." Signaling me to sit down I follow her instructions, crossing my arms I watch viney enter the room with Emira. They're both seniors and healers.. it made sense why they were here. The woman hands me a spare sweater to replace the bloody one, I pull it on then sit back down. "Um.. well.. stay her for twenty minutes and cool off your nerves." I breathed in and nodded, "Gracias, señorita." Emira made a noise knowing I only spoke Spanish unless I was very mad, with Amity or my mom.
Leaning back I rest my head on the back of the couch, my eyes closing. The healing spell felt like ice against my skin, it was soothing. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, opening up an eye I see it's viney holding out something close to bandaids "healing patches.. the spell won't rid the bruise but these will help." I nod, take them and close my eyes again.

Twenty minutes past so I stood up, went to a mirror and placed a patch over the bridge of my nose. Walking into band class I look at my folder, neatly set on the chair.
Raine looks at me with a look of worry, I shake my head.
People only noticed that I was in the room when I started playing my parts in between the rest of a specific instrument, some looked at me only to wince at the large bruise probably going across my face. I disliked the feeling of the new drum sticks in my hands, they were slippery. I looked up as the music lesson ended, many brass and wind musicians oiled the valves on their instruments as we transitioned to a smaller filler song.
It was lighthearted, calming.. it felt like it wasn't being played by instruments, but by voices. This one I tapped the bell then the rim of a lighter toned drum pad. Someone in the crowd made a noise of enjoyment to the song's close.

After thanking their students and dismissing them an hour and a half later, Raine pulls up a chair and sits next to me. I frown as my eyes look at them. "I'm guessing something happened at that dinner party Eda told me about?" I nod gently, my eyes guiding to the floor. "I knew the consequences.. it's just.. her tone was so firm I thought I was in trouble until she.. you know. I was taken off guard."
I looked up as this hours students walked in, eyeing my drum set curiously. I glared immediately with a look of death, Raine understood my look and stood up as the class filled to its max "the drum set displayed here is property of the one sitting at it." I do a little riff to be funny. "I have a drum set in the closet, anyone who is a percussionist may ask to use that one but any student who uses hers will be held at no mercy if it gets damaged."
Unfolding the cover I set it over the drum set and put the paper with Raine's handwriting on top.

Jogging up to my room I pause to the sound of a video, oh.. good. I guess I made enough drama to get recorded. Makes sense.
Amity's voice appears nervously "this...this isn't true.. is it?" I rest against the wall not really wanting to be a snoop but.. at the same time I somewhat want to know. Boscha laughs in a mock manner "absolutely not my little key lime!" Key..lime? What? "She's just all pissed off that I broke her nose." Amity makes a gasp and says loudly "you ACTUALLY broke her nose??! Boscha! If you'll admit to breaking her nose what other parts of what she said is true??" There's silence, then a sigh "Amity.. I didn't cheat." Amity makes a scoff and says quietly "I think I understand what mom means."   "Of course- she said something to you at the 'Blight/Noceda-Clawthorne' dinner party. " Amity's voice appears weak after Boscha's sarcastic tone "you did cheat on me last time.." Boscha makes a noise "yes, but I'm different now.. far better than before."   "You say that Boscha.. I just wonder how deep your commitment lies."
Writing out an invisibility glyph in a panic when I hear footsteps, I take a mad dash down the stairs since the glyph masks sounds. Breathing out as I hit the bottom I head up the two flights again, Amity passes me her face bleak, sadness in her expression. I'm already at the turn when she turns around at the bottom "is.. is what you said true.. luz?" I sigh gently and look into her tear brightened eyes "if you want a lie.. I'll give you a lie. If you want truth- as the old saying goes 'truth comes but to what expense?'.. I'd personally let you figure out yourself. so if what I said is true you'll be angry first hand, not second hand. And if what I said was just a fit of rage? You can be angry at me for lying."

She frowns and says quietly "it looks like it's painful.. my mom knows some hea-"   "I think.. we should keep our distance, Amity. I don't want to get another broken nose because of your girlfriend.. I already live with her as is."
Then I just.. walk upstairs.. the sound of Amity's choke is enough to make me want to run downstairs and hug her, but I know her girlfriend is lurking around the corner. Walking into my room inside my dorm I search through my backpack for a notebook, I hear an intake of air but I hold up my hand "save your prayers. Friends don't break another friend's nose."

There's another intake of air, I turn around harshly to stand my fullest to the 5'6.5 woman. "you are really an asshole luz.. but, I don't understand why you gave amity such a cryptic answer."
I grumble deeply, sounding like an irritated wolf "as I said.. I'm trying my damndest to keep her opinions on you good. With you punching my nose over an accident it's hard to keep my composure."  She bites her lip in a guilty manner, the nice Boscha I know unearthing as she recollects what she did.
"What.. exactly happened.?" I feel taken aback by her sudden tone, I sit down and sigh. "I didn't have time to get back here so Amity insisted I slept on her bed, she slept with her back to mine and upside down as not to be too extremely close. I woke up at four to see she'd cuddled up to me in her sleep, and knowing Amity.. you don't wake her up." She seems to know the exact situation as she stares off into space, "when she did wake up she mumbled something then kissed my hand.. I think she forgot I'd stayed the night.. I think.. she thought I was you."

Boscha's cheeks tinted with a blush, I felt myself blush too "some things happened where I was about to come here, but she looked so disappointed I stayed. I genuinely thought I was in insane trouble before she- yeah. I mentioned that you would probably kill me if you ever found out and then did she realize she did what she did."

She rubs her chin, processing what I explained. I ended up taking my whole side bag because I was lazy, walking out I head downstairs to my English Narrative Literature class.
I was into animation and I had trouble with scripts, the class was surprisingly full. Sitting down in an empty chair I open up my notebook I put aside for this class in particular, someone slid a note in front of me and walked off, I instantly recognized the pink hair 'whether you like it or not- we're still friends dipshit.'

I sighed and lookedup at the board, not really enjoying the idea of Boscha being persistent on our.. friendship.

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