Hey (again)

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I hope you're all doing alright. I've uh, been better in my life lmao. But it's fine, it's whatever, I'll pull through, I always do.
Anyways, I don't think I can like, 100% complete what I had planned for this story. But!!! I won't leave you without an ending!
What I've been doing like, this whole time is publishing "filler chapters"
Rather, a buncha stories just to make the book longer and more meaningful or whatever.
I wanted to, basically, have a chapter for each member of the two smps.
That's not gonna work anymore out of simple "I probably can't write about Techno without crying right now"
Sorry, I'm a bit of an emotional baby, I feel wayyy too deeply about everything all of the time.
Plus I'm running on 0 sleep so none of this probably makes sense.
Anyways, I'm gonna publish everything I have already written, and on the final one, if you notice any plot points I never wrapped up, just ask! I'll make a chapter dedicated to unwrapped up plot points and things.
I am so, so sorry to do this to y'all.
You've been like, insanely supportive even after I yeeted off into the abyss and never ended up writing for this silly fic.
Either way, just, thank you, again, for everything, and I hope you like the rest of the story. Or, what I've got of it, anyways!

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