I can help

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Tommy crouches next to his potato plants, watering them and talking softly to himself. It was something he saw Techno do, and following in his older brother's footsteps always helped calm him.
"Doc seems nice, he reminded me of Techno at first, but now I see he's more like Sam." He hums to the plants, checking the leaves for signs of bug damage. "And Stress definitely reminds me of Niki. X and Tubbo really like bees. I bet Joe and Wilbur would get along really well." He hears a rustle behind him and his hand closes around the hilt of the netherrite sword Doc gave him. Whipping around, the person there freezes as his sword levels at her neck. They stay frozen like that before Tommy stands up, sheathing his sword again.
"Sorry, you scared me. I'm Tommy." He mumbles, the woman nodding slightly.
"It's alright, I'm False. I'm just looking for Grian, have you seen him?" He raises an eyebrow.
"I haven't met him yet."
False digs through her pocket, pulling out a photo and handing it to him. He squints at it. The man in the photo was smiling brightly, carmel blonde curly hair brushed carelessly out of his face. He was annoyingly familiar, but he hadn't seen him anywhere so he just shakes his head, handing the photo back. She sighs.
"Alright, well, thanks for your time. If you see him, uh, Doc gave you a communicator right?"
"Yeah." It was crazy; they'd managed to make a device that could transmit text across long distances. He'd picked up on how to use them pretty quickly.
"Just, one more thing. Where did you learn how to handle a sword like that? Most people can't even hear me approach, much less react as quickly as you did."
He smiles slightly, remembering the day he'd practically begged Techno to show him how to fight.
"My older brother. He's really cool... I hope I can see him again soon. He's probably looking for me." He sighs softly, turning back to his plants. False hesitantly places a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry; we'll figure it out. Grian knows a shocking amount about world changing glitches. Maybe he'll know what to do."
Tommy pauses.
"I can help. Er, can I? Help look for him?" She seemed to debate with herself a moment.
"Alright, but only if you promise to follow X's directions."
He grins brightly, nodding. He could help! He quickly turns back to his plants, watering the last one, and then follows False to where the search party was meeting up.
"Alright, we're splitting into groups. Team ZIT, you search his base again for clues." The guys who had been standing together salute and take off in that direction. Elytras were another thing Tommy had to get used to.
"Etho, Beef, Doc, XB and Hypno, you four start scanning to the West." Five guys, one of them being Doc, nod solemnly and start flying in that direction.
"Scar, no one knows the shopping district like HEP. Take Cub and False with you."
"On it. Cub, False, meet me in the town hall!" A man with a cowboy hat and multiple scars across his face flies in that direction, another man following, and False pats Tommy gently on the shoulder before flying after him as well.
"Jevin, you, Joe, Cleo, and Wels go North." Joe and three other people gather and take off North.
"Iskall, Mumbo, Ren, you three go South." They start to mutter game plans amongst themselves.
"Keralis, BDubs, Biffa, we will go East. Stress, stay here. If Grian comes back, or we bring him back and he's injured, we're going to need your expertise. TFC, please monitor the communicators, incase he messages anything."
They nod and the remaining groups start to take off.
"Wait! I want to help!" He exclaims, having kept to the shadows the whole time. X stops, turning to him.
"I... I don't know, kid, it could be dangerous..."
"Please? I really want to help find him. He seems important to you guys. Tubbo would want me to help." He wasn't sure why he said it, but something in him told him it was true. Tubbo would already be out looking for him.
"We'll take him with us," a man with wolf ears speaks up, "We needed a fourth anyways." Tommy smiles excitedly, but looks to X for permission first. He nods and he cheers, darting over. They introduce themselves.
"I'm Ren!" The one with wolf ears says, pushing his sunglasses further up his nose.
"Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo." The moustached man, who was as tall as Wilbur, looked antsy to get going.
"Iskall, it's nice to meet you."
Tommy pauses, blinking.
"Iskall. You...You don't happen to know a Fundy, do you?"
"Yeah, yeah I do! How'd you know?"
"He mentioned that you helped him with a redstone project, we're friends! Er, we were. I don't know anymore. Uh, let's get going!" Mumbo readily agrees.
"You don't have an elytra," Ren notices, going to find one, but he quickly stops him.
"Its fine, I don't need one," he takes off Techno's cloak, hawk wings expanding from his back as he delicately folds it up and puts it in his bag. He notices the three staring at him in shock and realises most people don't have wings. "Sorry, should have warned you. Uh, honestly I couldn't explain if I wanted to. Can we just go?"
So they flew along, and did Tommy show off a bit? Maybe. But he made sure to stay focused. That's when he sees the absolutely destroyed desert.
"That looks like Grian's work; that chest monster could only be him or Scar." Mumbo swoops down, landing with a stumble. Tommy closes his wings, diving down. His wings expands last second and he lands gently, snickering at Mumbo's shriek of shock.
"What the heck was that for kid?" Ren heaves as he lands, clutching his heart.
"What do you- oh, right, yeah. Sorry that's just- that's just how I land- it's the quickest way down."
"Please, never do that again, you gave me a heart attack." Iskall chuckles, running a hand through his hair.
"Sorry- oh, Hey, what's this?" He sees a hole in the sand, glowing netherrite shovel next to it. He hands it to Mumbo and he pales.
"Grian's shovel." He swoops into the hole, Tommy and the others following. And yet there was no Grian. He smells it before he sees it; purple tinted blood.
"Hey, that's like Phil's... Oh, wait, oh, no, that's not good. Guys?"
They gather around the spot, the other three staring confused.
"Purple? Is it just the light?"
Tommy sees a stick and some coal in the wall, grabbing them and tying them together with some twine he always kept on him. He strikes it against the wall, torch now lighting up the area.
"Nope, definitely purple."
"It can't be his then, must be some enderman's, I guess. I've never seen one bleed though-"
"Enderman blood is black. Purple is Watcher blood."
They all turn to look at him.
"How do you know that?"
"Cause Phil told me when I asked him why his blood was purple." He shrugs, "and Ranboo told me about the enderman thing."
"There's no death message, so he's still alive." Ren says.
"Grian?" Mumbo calls, "It's okay, we're just here to help. We can get you home. Where are you?"
"He's not here," Ren says, nose scrunching slightly. It's weird. His scent just stops, right here, like he just disappeared."
Tommy realises something.
"You don't think... I appeared in this world. What if he appeared in mine?"

Quick boring author's note: I didn't get a chance to show it here but Iskall with They/Them pronouns supremacy :)

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