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Grian sighs, stretching. Tubbo had convinced him to take a break; they'd suggested 'Niki's Bakery,' whatever that was, so he headed towards L'Manberg. It did sound cozy. Luckily, there were signs. He follows them to a little hollow next to the docks. It was definitely cozy. He heads inside, a bell dinging.
"Hello, Welcome to Niki's Bakery, I'm Niki, how can I- oh, hello, Grian, yes?"
"Uh, yeah, eheh. Tubbo made me take a break. They suggested I come here. It is very cozy!"
"Why thank you! Hon, you looked starved, when was the last time you ate?" Niki hangs her flour covered apron up, gently taking his hands. He laughs nervously.
"Uh... Yesterday morning?"
"...Come on, would you rather have biscuits or cookies?" She makes him sit down in a booth, running up to the counter.
"Er, cookies are my favorite, if it's not too much trouble..."
"They're my favorite too," she hums, grabbing a plate from under the counter, sitting across from him. He takes a cookie as she does, biting into it. He hums in surprise.
"Holy... These are amazing!"
"Thank you," she giggles, "I add a teaspoon of brown sugar and a pinch of cinnamon!"
"I will definitely need to steal the recipe before I go home."
The next ten minutes are spent in comfortable silence, Grian and Niki sharing the cookies.
She reminded him of Stress, in a way. He remembers Ghostbur mentioning that Niki was one of Aliveburs best friends, though they didn't really talk much anymore.
"I'm glad you stopped by," Niki hums with a smile, "Things are very chaotic here. It's enough to drive someone insane."
"You're telling me! Just yesterday I watched someone have an argument with a scarecrow!"
Niki laughs, and it was contagious, so he started laughing too.
It was a nice afternoon. He was glad Tubbo made him take a break.

That night, he sits, staring at the paper, trying to think of something, anything. Had the watchers not taught him ANYTHING about transportation between worlds!?
He's about ready to start firing off magic just to see if he can catch their attention or something.
On second thought, that's a poor idea.
He gets back to work.

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