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Tommy was just running around, looking for something to do, when he catches a glimpse of white hair and a red eye. He stops, looking around, making eye contact with a man. They both stared a moment before suddenly he disappears.
"What the?" He mutters, immediately on high alert. A rustle behind him sends him whipping around, the man catching his wrist as he swings, looking amused.
"Hey, kiddo." He hums, Tommy dropping his hand.
"I'm not a child!" He protests, the man laughing.
"Ahah, everyone's a child to me. My name's Etho, it's nice to meet you." He hesitantly shakes his outstretched hand.
"Tommy Innit."
"Well, Tommy Innit, you look like a very bored, very fun guy. I don't suppose you'd like to help me commit some shenanigans on our dear friends?" A wide grin spreads across Tommy's face.
"Oh, I would love to help you commit shenanigans!"

He ducks behind a tree, watching Bdubs wander around, adding a bush or two along the path. He glances at Etho, waiting. He nods and they spring. Tommy picks him up, tossing him to Etho, making him cry out in shock. Etho then takes off, Tommy following. He catches Bdubs with a little spin, he and Etho flying higher and higher, tossing the screaming Bdubs between them.
"PUT ME DOWN YOU HEATHENS!" He cries, but Tommy only snickers, tossing him back at Etho.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you over your screams!" He chimes as Etho spins the wide eyed hermit around and around before tossing him back to Tommy.
About five minutes later, Tommy dives down with Bdubs in tow, the other shrieking. He expands his wings as they get close to the ground, casually gliding back up before gently setting him down.
He falls to his knees, breathing heavily, looking relieved.
"You two... Are the worst..." He huffs at the two smiling pranksters.
They only snicker and run off, flying into the air. They break down in laughter as soon as they're out of sight, Tommy curling in on himself midair while gliding, Etho barely staying in the sky.
"That-That was beautiful! I-I've wanted to try that for so long!" Etho finally wheezes out.
"He freaked out so bad! He probably hates our guts!" Tommy manages, breaking out in even heavier laughter, barely able to breath. Eventually they land in the shopping district, nearly calming down until Scar asks them why they're laughing, sending them into a whole new fit.
Tommy decides that there were worse places to get stuck than Hermitcraft.

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