"You're a natural" he smiled down at me in a kind sweet way that I imagined a Da should look at his daughter.

"I've got a great teacher" I laughed. "Thank you for teaching me"

"That's quite alright my dear, it's nice to finally spend some time with you. I feel like I know nothing about the woman that's made my son so happy" he grinned happily and I suddenly felt guilty, if only he knew the only thing I've done is make one of his sons miserable.

"What would you like to know?" I asked trying to run by the story Jay and I had made up in my head that he wanted everyone to know.

"What makes you happy?" he asked, knocking me back a bit. I didn't see him asking me that... I didn't really know what to say. I tried to think what Jay would want me to say...

"Your son" I replied making him laugh.

"What else? Tell me your idea of a perfect life" what a strange thing to ask someone, I thought. If I was honest the answer would be... my idea of a perfect life would just be getting by. Not having to worry about paying the bills or how I was going to eat for the next couple of days. It would be having a clean, safe warm flat and a job where I worked hard and well at. In a dream world I'd like to have my own bakery and enough money to start living my life but really I just wanted to know the act of getting by.

There were other dreams too, dreams that I didn't let myself think about much. A dream that I wanted more than any other dream...

"I guess my idea of a perfect life, my dream life would be yours" I said without really thinking.

"I see" he gave a small smile.

"Not your money... or power but your family... I'd like to have a family one day. I've been alone for most of my life with only harshness around me, no love or laughter. I'd love to have a child that I would care for... like a child should be treated, with love and compassion. I'd teach them good and bad and safe them from all the bad and evil in the world that was possible. It would be the most amazing feeling in the world to have a family that cared as much as yours do about each other. To wake up and go to sleep every night knowing that there was someone in the world looking out for you and loving you with all their heart. It must feel so warm and safe..." I didn't notice how much I was talking until I felt the tears start to build in my eyes. I shook my head quickly laughing at myself looking back at Mark who was staring down at me with a worried and caring look.

"You'll have all those things Kate, that I can promise you" he gave me this strange look like he was plotting something in his head as he spoke before giving me a cattish grin.

"Maybe" I looked back at the floor.

"Most people I ask that to never give me a true answer or if they do it's mostly about money or fame"

"Those things aren't important. At the end of the day money and fame it just a way of living not actual life" I had to tell myself that every day I wished for money to just find its way in my lap at home. Money is what makes the world move but even without it the earth still spins. Life keeps going you just become strong each day you're without it.

"My son's a very lucky man"

"Why's that?" I grinned.

"Because you my dear are one of a kind" he said making me blush.

We danced another song before a hand stopped on Mark's other shoulder pulling us to a stop.

"May I cut in?" Jake stood next to his father looking me up and down.

God he looked incredible. He was wearing a black smart suit that brought his broad shoulders and a white shirt on his hard chest. He wore a black bow tie and his hair was pulled neatly back making my fingers titch to run my finger through to make it messy again. He was looking at my face now and his eyes where shining with an emotion I'd seen far too much since knowing this man... lust. And God help me but I knew he could see the same in my eyes too.

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