The Two meet

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This means normal talking or actions.
This means thoughts or emphasis on words.

Severus's pov

With another pink shoe.... the strangely dressed girl chucked it at... Remus? Everyone around was confounded by her actions, and were still comprehending the fact she hit the James Potter. Once the shoe made contact with Remus' face, it knocked him to the ground as he wasn't prepared for it. Both boys were holding the part where the shoes had hit them.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU BITCH!". Sirius spat in the girl's face, he looked as if he was going to hurt her. Peter on the other hand was trying to heal both James and Remus.

Severus used this time to get up and grab his wand.

Crap, who is this girl??? I don't have time for this.

As Severus was just about to book it. The girl shouted something he could only imagine to do.


Everyone, including the four marauders and Severus gasped. Severus couldn't help the smile that grew on his face.
Luna's pov

She saw it..... a boy that looked oddly familiar walking towards a tree.

I wonder why he is so familiar to me? Have I met him before? I'm going to go talk to him, maybe he knows me.

With that, Luna skipped from the black lake to the courtyard, deciding that she was going to talk to the familiar boy. She noticed that four boys were tailing him, and they seemed to have bad intentions toward him. She saw that once he sat down they started to attack him, but for some reason one of them wasn't doing anything.

How dare they attack a defenseless boy?! And why isn't the tall scarred boy doing anything to stop them?!

Luna knew she had to stop these mysterious people. Only she knew too well how bullies were, she started to run and run until her mind went blank. Luna didn't think twice about what she was doing, but once she heard the word the messy haired boy was about to utter. She took off her shoe and threw it with full force at his face, not knowing it would break his glasses and break his nose. She grabbed her other one and threw it, as she did before at the other boy, at the scarred tall boy in the back. He fell to the ground from the force of her shoe. Luna had not even been able to comprehend what she had just done herself, as a black-haired boy yelled in her face.


This unknown boy had sparked something in Luna. Something she's never felt in her life. Anger.


Luna shouted back in his face as he did. She was panting heavily, and could hear all the gasps around her, even from the boy in front of her.

Luna turned to look at the familiar boy, and couldn't help but notice his shoulder length hair, his crooked nose, and sharp face, looked exactly like a certain teacher she had.

That's quite a strange coincidence, he almost seems like a younger version of professor snape.


Luna turned to see who had said that name that seemed oddly familiar as well. She saw that a red head gryffindor girl had spoken, she ran to the boy's side, who she presumed was 'Severus'.

"Are you okay you're not hurt are you?"

The girl seemed to be more distressed about the situation than Severus himself.

"I'm fine lily, really"

"Okay if you're sure, now I'm gonna kill those damn marauders!"

With that said, lily went marching to the marauders, with wand and hand and eyes like daggers, they were still standing there in shock. But also leaving Luna in shock by saying 'marauders', luna was beginning to have a massive breakdown. She knew that there was once a group who went by that name at Hogwarts. They were still well-known for their schemes and tricks even if it had happened years before she had attended.

It was another regular day for Luna, or as regular as it can get. She was spending her time in the girl's abandoned bathroom with moaning myrtle. They had been spending more time recently and were becoming great friends, they were deep in conversation when myrtle mentioned something that caught her attention.

"Oh how I love the Weasley twins, they're so much more kinder than those marauders". She spoke in her squeaky high pitched voice.

"I'm sorry but what is a marauder? Are they an old creature I haven't heard of yet?"

"Not a what but a who. They were a group of boys here in the 70's, and oh they were so mean! Always bullying other students, thinking it was a laugh, especially this one student. Severus snape". Myrtle spoke with much sadness in her voice"

"Wait, do you mean professor snape?"
The 70's!
They were here in the 70's and they bullied professor snape!
But, she called them marauders, wait.....

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