"You money sucking bitch. I know exactly why youre with him so go ahead and pretend but you arent fooling me."

"Brandon? Oh how do we pronounce your name. Do you see him here with me? No. What does that tell you? Please mosquito you are really disturbing my peace." I bite again.

"You can keep on lying, but I can see that you're even pregnant for him so please go on, but you wont succeed." She says leaving.

"Dumb bitch."

I stand from the place I had previously occupied and I clean up the little Taco Bell mess that I've made.

It's time to get back to work. The drive back to my parents should be a time were I reconsider what I want to do tonight but that's not what I'm doing.

Jeremy has gone too far breaking me into the hollow shell that I am today. So I'll do the same to him.

I park on the driveway. I grab the M&Ms into my fist and scoop them up in my mouth before trying to chew and swallow them all in one go.

I probably look like a chipmunk. I open the door and grab a glass of water.

The basement holds a horrible stench of blood. And I havent even killed him yet.

It's weird how murder doesnt even faze anymore.

He pushed me this far. He made his bed, I hope he's ready to lie in it.

"I bought you water." I tell him while I help him drink it up.

"You still care, how pathetic." He taunts me.

I grab the now empty glass and I slap him with it across his cheek. The glass cracks against his skin which causes a loud scream to erupt from him.

"You're making a noise Jeremy. I dont want to kill you yet, but with all your bitchy screaming you're forcing me to." I whisper.

He stares at me.

"What happened to you?" He whimpers.

It's amazing how he switches from this evil man that I hate to the man I used to love.

"Stop! Stop! Stop it Jeremy stop! I will not be manipulated by you anymore! You dont get to play with my feelings like this anymore! I cant take it anymore!" I yell his face.

Pulling his hair roughly from its roots.

"Ahh! I'm sorry Gemima. Im sorry." He pleads.

"Is your stupid 'I'm sorry' going to take away my pain? Is it going to mend me? Is it going to take away all the scars I have on my body because of you? Is it?" I ask pulling him by his collar.

"No, no." Tears fall onto his cheeks.

"I spent the entire duration of our relationship trying very hard not to be like your parents. Not to hurt you,  but youve turned me into them. Probably even worse. I am going to end you." I tell him.

I pull the glock 19 that I had in the cupboard of my utility tools in.

"No! Please Gemima dont kill me!" He says.

"Beg me."

Fear and regret falls into his eyes. The whole of his body is covered in blood. Somehow this scene satisfies me. He put me through all of this. He put all these ideas into my head.

"Everything that I've done to you these past three days are exactly what you did to me. You beat me, you cracked glass against my skin. You pushed me down a flight of stairs and left me to die. You pissed on me. You asked me to beg you to keep our son alive. You did all of this to me. Now it's your turn to taste your concoction. " I smile.

I bring the gun up to him.

"Beg me. Make me want to save you." I ask.

"You have five seconds." I tell him. I secure my index on the trigger.

"Gem you dont have to do this." A new voice appears.

It's just your imagination Gemma,  you're insane now. He is not here.

"Gem baby, put the gun down." He says.

"I said BEG ME!" I yell at Jeremy.

"Gemima please! I'm sorry! Please!" He begs.

"Gem please stop, it's me.  Nathan." He says.

It couldnt be. It isnt.

I turn around. He looks so real, imagination went above and beyond for him. He looks even better. He smiles shyly at me.

"Its me baby." He says.

"Gemima please dont kill me." Jeremy begs me.

Kill him!

No dont do it.

Fucking do it! For Ethan! For all those years he spent hurting you!

Kill him.

I turn around with the gun in my hands. This time it's ready to shoot him straight to his grave.

I'm not letting my imagination disturb me.

"Gem dont do this. If you kill him you'll go to jail. You'll leave Ethan and I.  You'll leave me. You cant leave me Gem. I need you. I-I,  I love you." He says.

I turn back around.

"This ." He motions to everything I used to torture Jeremy.

"This is not you, this is your anger. My Gem is sweet. My Gem is kind. My Gem cares about the little things. My Gem would never hurt a fly. My Gem would never kill a man, even if he hurt her." He begs.

"Maybe there no longer is your Gem." I tell him bolting out of the room.

I have to get my son and leave this country. I have to go. I can't stay here. Where everything is so messed up? I cant stay.

I love you Nathan. More than you could ever understand.

That is the last thing I hear as I fall to the ground.

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