Dinners and Duels

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I walk back into the empty house. I have to admit, it is the first time I come home to so much silence.

Ethan is sound asleep in my arms and I walk upstairs to lay him on his bed.

I caress his cheek before I kiss it. His hair is messy and I smile.

I walk back down stairs and begin making dinner for everyone.

And after making dinner,  I head into the shower. Someone walks into the house and in a room.

I head back to the kitchen and prepare the dinner table.

Soon Charlotte walks in, she's been interning at some Law Firm in Maine. She pushes off her heals and smiles.

"Let me go take a shower! And that food smells amazing!" She says.

I smile at her and she walks upstairs.

Nathan is next through the door.

"Hello." He says smiling lazily. His true is unmade and his hair is all tousled up. He looks so sexy.

I smile back.

"Hey." I wave.

"Go and shower,  dinner will be ready in ten." I tell him and he nods.

We havent said much to each other after the ice cream date. We do talk a bit .

He smiles and walks up the stairs.

Charlotte walks down with Ethan in her arms .

Elizabeth follows down, her hair falls on her shoulders and she is smiling.

I feel envious of her. She is beautiful and looks like a model.  Even in pregnancy, she looks absolutely breathtaking .

I smile tightly at her and we sit down.

Nathan soon joins and Ethan says Grace.

We dig in.

Conversation on the table is mainly between Ethan and Nathan.

Ethan must be compressed right now sitting between the two brawling sisters.

I eat quietly and stare at my little boy who is smiling at the conversation between him and Nathan.

As soon ad Ethan is done eating he runs to the great room to watch TV.

I turn the TV on for him and turn to Cocoamelon .

I get back to my seat next to Nathan. Then we fall into an awkward silence .

No one is attempting to say anything. We are all just looking at our plates and eating.

I somehow feel compelled to fill the gap of the silence. So I ramage in my mind, looking for something someone will participate in.

Oh! I could ask Charlotte how it's going at her internship. But I know she'll just say 'fine' and then get back to her food. So I cough uncomfortably.

I could ask Nathan when I'd be starting with the designing. Oh! Shoot he's already told me so that'll be weird.

I could–

"Natie. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to go baby shopping." Elizabeth beats me to it.

We all look up to her.

Nathan's eyes widen a bit and I know exactly what he's about to say. He opens his mouth,  but before he says anything Charlotte speaks.

"Why? Is Usher out of money?" She says looking directly into her eyes.

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