𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟑𝟑// 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

570 27 58

The desert was quiet at this time of night, not even an insect to be heard. The darkness beyond the torches was suffocating, but the Black Hand's base was visible in the distance.

Nico's hands couldn't stop shaking. He took another deep breath, adjusting his robes. "How much longer?" he asked Valdez, who was standing to his left.

"Just a few more minutes," he replied. "They need to finish up Percy's glamour." Valdez had been magicked to look like the sandy-haired soldier that he had stabbed in the tunnel, though if Nico looked hard enough, he could see Leo underneath. Nico's glamour was a lot more simple--nothing more than his voice and the color of his eyes. It would be up to him to don Jalgan's mannerisms and attitude, though--no glamour could do that.

Will stood to Nico's right, wearing simple clothes, his hair in a braid. His wedding ring glinted on his finger, the diamond sun seeming to suck all the light out of the nearby torches. Nico fiddled with his own ring, which was the twin to Will's--Jalgan's ring had been lost when he fell, and no one could remember what it looked like, so they had simply copied Will's.

"Are you doing okay?" Nico asked him gently.

Will nodded, but he didn't look at him. He hadn't looked at him since the glamour had taken effect. Nico didn't blame him.

Footsteps behind them. He turned to find two of Jalgan's soldiers. He squinted, and the glamours flickered, revealing Perseus and Jason.

"We're only going in as three of Jalgan's soldiers?" he asked, confused. "Weren't there ten in total?"

"The story will be that three died, and the remaining four were left at the Aureole Kingdom to keep it under control," Jason said. He motioned to the two coffins that they had brought with them. "Leo, help us with this?"

While the three made sure the glamours on the people in the coffins were correct, Will and Nico joined arms, holding their torches high. Will held on to Nico tightly.

"Is everyone ready?" Perseus asked. Nods all around. "Okay. Get into position." The three soldiers lined up behind the couple, the coffins between them. As one, the five moved forward.

For a minute, there was no sound save the sand shifting beneath their feet, their breathing, and the crackling of their torches. The fortress soon loomed over them. Nico's mouth went dry, and he offered up a quick prayer.

Nico managed to extract himself from Will's grasp; the prince had been digging his nails into his arm by accident. He stepped forward, staring at the door for a moment. He composed himself, then knocked.

Just seconds later, the doors swung open, and a pale man with red hair burst through, startling him. The man laughed. "Jalgan! It's good to see you!"

Nico matched his enthusiasm, giving a smile. "Hello...uh--"

"What? You don't recognize your old friend?" the man teased.

Nico felt a spark of anxiety, but he managed a laugh. "Forgive me. I can barely see a thing in this damn darkness. It's been millenium since I've heard your voice!"

"I'm Blyden, you old fool!" The man wrapped an arm around him, giving a grin. "Has it really been so long, friend?"

"I'm afraid it has," Nico said with another chuckle.

Blyden let go of him and turned to Will. His eyes roved over him. Nico nearly bristled. "And this is your husband, I presume? My, is he beautiful!"

Will gave a shy smile, though Nico could tell he was resisiting the urge to strike the leering man. He offered Blyden his hand, and he kissed the back of it, admiring his ring.

"But enough of the pleasantries!" Blyden backed into the base and motioned them inside. "Come in, come in! You must be exhausted!"

The party walked through the door, which closed behind them with a clang. They made their way through dark, winding halls.

"Might I ask what the coffins are for?" Blyden asked, looking over his shoulder at them. "Are they some of our fallen?"

"Oh, no. It's a surprise," Nico said with a grin, before it faded from his face. "We lost three to those Aureoles, unfortunately. Their bodies are back at the Aureole kingdom with the others."

"So that's why you only bought three soldiers," Blyden said. He paused at a door, the five stopping with him. "Do you wish to have the meeting now, or do you want to rest first?"

"Have the meeting now," Nico said immediately, the others nodding in agreement. "I am far too excited to sleep."

"Of course." Blyden opened the door for them and beamed at them. "I can't wait for you to see what we have in store!"


At the back of the fortress, several sorcerers gathered, mere shadows along the walls.

Hearthstone Alderman, a man with pale skin and hair, turned to Lou Ellen and began to sign, his face full of something like worry. There are multiple presences just beyond this door. Whatever they are, they don't feel human.

"Could we go through the first story window, then make our way down?" Alabaster asked.

Hearthstone paused, deep in thought. Perhaps we can find a window to the basement. Nods from the other sorcerers.

"Try to find an entrance to the basement first," Blackstone said. "When that fails, do the first story. And be quick about it." She surveyed the group, green eyes nearly black in the dim light. "Stay sharp. May the gods watch over us."

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