A force unleashed

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Regis guided us through the city into a large cavern filled with many people ending in a large golden-white portal. There were multiple clerks letting people inside the portal, and in front of them a large line.

The aether inside me reacting to my will, time stopped as I swiftly walked past the clerks and Alacryans.

Entering the portal, I saw a bright white flash and suddenly stood on the top of a hill overlooking a grassy island with lush forests and a large river flowing through them. On the left side was a sea with a bright yellow beach. There was a large medieval castle sitting on a peninsula of the exact same size only about 50 meters from the beach connected to the main island by a narrow path. In front of the castle stood a large number of tents and small shacks with people walking around.

Wait, people?


'No idea'

With no other choice than to see for myself, I jumped down the cliff right in the middle of the makeshift village. 

The people looked disheveled, only a level above homeless. They didn't fail to react fast, however, as as soon as I landed I was bombarded with about a dozen attacks. 

"I'm not an enemy." I yelled as I took over the attacks, forcibly tearing them apart.

A man in expensive-looking armor, probably the leader, walked up to me, sword drawn. "Why should we trust you? How do we know you're not from the castle?"

The castle? There are seemingly people too.

"I just got into this zone, I have no idea what's happening." I answered honestly.

Scoffing, the leader snarled. "Yeah, sure, they all say that. Attack!"

As about twenty people dashed at me, I created a small gravitational field with Spatium, orbiting the people around it for a little bit.

As the leader landed on the ground with a thud, I let my power loose, and looking the leader straight in the eyes I said. "If I wanted to kill you, you would have long been dead. So either tell me what's happening here or I will find out myself, destructively."

The leader immediately got a terrified look in his eyes, standing up and stammering. "I-I'm Godfrey Kimball" - He took a few seconds to catch his breath. - "The people in the castle are criminals, and have a monopoly over the exit portal. They don't want anyone to get out because if the bloods that they wronged found out they live and have a family, they might torture them. They regularly send people to 'check up on us', that's why we have to be so vigilant. We apologize for attacking you."

I nodded. "Alright, understood. You had a perfectly good reason to attack me, it's fine."

I turned into the castle and leapt towards it.

I noticed a barrier of mana surrounding it, definitely created by the current residents as it was much weaker than the previous one. Behind it stood two guards, and one of them opened their mouth.

"Who are you?" The guard snapped.

"I just arrived, let me in."

"No, go play with the Neanderthals." The guard snickered.

With a sigh, the mana barrier surrounding the castle collapsed, and with it the two guards. 

The next obstacle was the gate itself, being fortified by aether. It seems a key was needed to pass. It was a very formidable barrier, but I still wanted to try something.

'Regis, get in my fist.'

Confused, Regis complied.

I began to channel mana, universe flames and aether into my fist with the help of Regis. After a few seconds of this, my fist began to hurt. 

TBATE: Born as a god (BEING REWRITTEN, CLICK PROFILE FOR NEW VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now