A moment of peace

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"Alright, I think you're ready to move on to the second stage"

Stepping on the battle arena, Eva said.

"First thing you must understand about manipulating the edicts of aether is intent. Intent is basically telling the aether what to do. You do something similar when conjuring deviant type mana, only the intent with aether has to be much more potent. Create a hollow box of aether if you please."

A human-sized box of aether appeared in front of me.

"If you had applied intent during the creation of that box, that would have been a pocket dimension. It sounds easy, primitive even, but the truth is that this step is nigh impossible for most." She continued

I tried again, this time fully intending to create a pocket dimension.

This time the aether did not form a box, but rather a dimensional boundary. It soon collapsed, but it was a partial success.

Every time I had used Godstep or created a pocket dimension before, it felt like my mind couldn't fathom it, but my body could. This time, it didn't feel like that. It felt instinctive, as if all I needed was a few tries to get it right..

"Y-you.." - Eva looked at me with an astonished face - "You are bonded with space so tightly that controlling it has become instinctive.. Not even the best Spatium masters took less than two weeks to create a basic pocket dimension, yet you did it like it was nothing.."

I tried again, this time making the pocket dimension larger. As soon as the dimensional boundary appeared, I shot a burst of universe flames at it, stabilizing it. I created a pathway inside it, and a portal appeared in front of me. 

Walking through the portal, I had found myself in a purple box of aether. Its boundaries were exactly how I created them, the aether walls slowly sucking out the atmospheric aether trapped inside along with my own.

I watched as the dimensional boundary enveloped in universe flames wiggled slightly. It was a sloppily made dimension, but it worked.

Eva walked through the portal behind me, an astonished expression still plastered on her face.

"The dimensional boundary is sloppy and weak, and the walls are slightly wobbly and unstable, but this is still a perfectly workable pocket dimension. Many djinns would be happy if they got this with months of work, yet you did it so effortlessly."

While she was talking, I worked on stabilizing the dimensional boundary. The pocket dimensions created by unleashed Realmheart had a perfectly stable and strong dimensional boundary, so I wanted to replicate it.

I hyper-focused on correcting the small mistakes destabilizing the pocket dimensions that was practically glued together by my universe flames.

6 months later


Like every day, I was training with Sylvie, currently in her human form. I couldn't even fathom the level of power Arthur wielded, yet I tried my best every day.

Eva's training room was marvelous, much better than the room Lances trained in. It could nullify most damage, and even the damage it couldn't nullify, it swiftly healed.

"I wonder what Arthur's doing." I said while casting multiple hands of ice to grab Sylvie.

"He has just started working on Aevum, the edict of time, cursing like a small child because he hasn't made instant progress like with Spatium" She said with a chuckle, slicing the hands into pieces.

After Arthur got Night's ballad, Sylvie inherited his previous sword, Dawn's ballad. She taught herself swordsmanship by reading his thoughts, and it bonded to her, just like to Arthur.

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