"I heard you sent the special squad on a mission to the other side. You know you're only supposed to send them if I allow it!" The other man yelled

"It was for a good cause." Wagner sounded confident

"What if they got hurt?! They're important, perfect specimens."

"It would've been nothing that we couldn't fix." Wagner handed a paper to the man then they both left


After hours of waiting I was finally able to leave. When I walked down the stairs I heard familiar voices from the cafeteria. Going towards the voices I opened the door and everyone was gathered around a table. To my surprise the whole cafeteria was decorated. Everyone went silent when they noticed me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Why yes! Of course!" Ruf smiled awkwardly

"Everything is great, Nemo. The general treated us well." Oliver commented

"You don't look happy though." I sighed

"Share a meal with us, Omen." Doris clapped happily

"Uh how did the meeting go?" I sat next to Yakov

"Wonderful! It exceeded all of our expectations, we've had a real feast." Oliver grinned

After that everyone stayed silent looking at their empty plates. I looked at Yakov and his eyes had some sort of empathy.

"I don't understand how we can do this." Elias finally spoke

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Careful, Nemo is still here." Ruff looked annoyed

"So what? He's on our side." Elias smiled slightly

"I a-also think Nemo c-can be trusted, we weren't told we can't t-tell him about the g-general." Hans stuttered

"We don't know anything about Nemo, we can't expose ourselves." Ruf rolled her eyes

"As surprising as it might be Ruf is right." Yakov looked down

"I think t-the general wants to win our trust." Hans suggested

"Hans!" Yakov glared

"Nemo is my friend! I w-want him to trust u-us." Hans curled into himself

"You think I don't want him to trust us?!" Yakov sighed then looked away from Hans

"We should steer clear of each other and only follow orders. What if that's our main mistake?" Elias shrugged

"Aren't we already sincere enough to him?" Helga puffed out smoke

"Considering everything that's happened-" Elias was cut off

"That's enough Elias!" Ruf widened her eyes

"You're forgetting yourself, Nemo is here and all ears." Yakov smirked and looked at me with annoyance in his eyes

He promised to help me but is doing the complete opposite! I knew I shouldn't have trusted someone like him. He's probably trying to set me up.

"Silence is getting us nowhere. Us sitting here will just end like we're imprisoned and waiting for something." Elias responded

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Yakov asked

"We can make a stand or... Use Nemo to our advantage." Elias hesitated

"Use me?"

"We need to wait and figure out the situation. Nemo shouldn't be an option though." Yakov thought

"We've been waiting a whole year! We don't have much time." Elias seemed frustrated

"Everything has changed, Nemo is here, our commander is nervous." Yakov replied calmly

"What makes you think that? I haven't noticed anything different." Helga asked

"Helga is right! I would've noticed if something was different with our commander." Ruf crossed her arms

"Then why did he hide Nemo from the General?" Yakov asked

"For his own safety. Our general isn't fond of strangers." Oliver replied

"We shouldn't gossip about the general behind his back. It's not nice to do that." Doris frowned

"It's not gossiping, we're figuring out what to do next." Yakov rolled his eyes

"They're almost the same thing. We have to try to help him." Doris was upset

"That's impossible!" Yakov laughed

"We must try harder, He's done so much for us! Even for me, he even..." She sighed

"We're trying to get out of this cage! We've tried to help but the general doesn't believe us." Yakov replied

"We shouldn't fight among ourselves." Oliver stood up

"We aren't fighting, I understand Doris has a soft spot for the general but we should care about our own wellbeing first." Yakov seemed annoyed

"You only care about yourself." Oliver frowned

"Who else should I care about? You or your-" Yakov was caught off

"You should care about the love of your life!" Ruf shoved Yakov which ended with Yakov really close to me

"Wolfgang you don't have any old records left?" Doris looked at him

"I must've not been keeping a diary back then. Nemo has already asked me about it." Wolfgang seemed nervous

"Why were you questioning Wolfgang? What did you try to dig up?" Ruf asked

"Nothing special really." I faked smiled

"I have a record about that." Wolfgang started searching his diary

"It's time to finish this useless chatter." Yakov sighed tiredly

"We must help the general!" Doris slammed her hands on the table

"Your antics are getting in the way." Ruf commented

"We should figure their plan out instead of plotting against them!" Doris continued

"Are you crazy? Or are you just trying to stand out again?" Ruf sighed

"No! It's just um... we can't look at it the sensible way." She hesitated

"So you're the most reasonable one here?!" Ruf yelled

These two wouldn't stop arguing until Doris left crying. Ruf seemed proud that she won that fight.


Thank you for reading and voting! Sorry that this took a bit to come out, I hope you enjoyed!

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