...displease anyone...

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"Mom, I want to ask you a question", I broke from the hug.

"What's that?", She asked.

"What did you see in dad?", I was always really curious to know what mom saw In a monster like dad.

She smiled and then got comfortable, I guess she's always wanted to tell this.

Aleksandr's POV

What he said brought back memories,


I saw him crouching with his head hidden in his knees in a corner in his dad's office that was now empty in the house, since his dad was dead they packed all his things to...only God knows were...

I didn't like my cousin, in fact I never liked him..in case you are looking for a reason, I just didn't like him, he was alway so proper, all reserved, all attention on him,

arrgghh!!, that always enraged me!.

Eleven years old me found this a reason to taunt Ten years old him, I walked up to him.

"Hey", I sat on the floor beside him. He raised his head, from his knees, I guess he felt my presence.

"What do you want"

"Can't I just sit with my cousin"

"No, you can't, pls leave"

"No, I won't leave"

"Then I would", he stood up and walked towards the door.

"You know your dad is pathetic, right?", He suddenly stopped walking,"he couldn't even stand up for hi..." He then interrupted me.

"Don't you dare say a word about my father", he turned around."how do you even know what happened, you weren't even there in the accident". He yelled

"I heard my dad talking about it",I laughed,"your dad has so many enemies that they must have all targeted him and boom!",I clapped,"Dead, I wonder how you and your mom surv..."

He rushed to me and gave me a punch on my  jaw...I felt and it was really painful, I was on the floor and wincing in pain, but, before I could get myself and retaliate he pounced on me, and gave me another punch straight on the face. But that one did it.

That, was the knockout punch,

According to my mom and dad, I didn't wake up for like a week.

When I recovered and was allowed to go home was when I saw him in the living room sitting with his mom.

His mom came to me and asked how I was, I just nodded, cause speaking was not actually allowed for me at the moment, I looked at him and something had changed, his growing black hair was now cut shorter, he had contacts on, there were no glasses at that time, but as usual he had a book with him.

But even at that, I suddenly felt weak in the front of him, Afraid he could do something else to me. So I always kept my distance

A time when I heard a knock on my door thinking it was my mom,

My mom never knocks, maybe it was Dad but dad wasn't around, I thought.

"Come in", I yelled to come in but it was him.


"Get out"

"Look I'm just here to apologize to..."

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