...they don't match...

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Eshaals POV

Just a sorry how hard could it be.

Very hard!. I agree.

You brought this upon yourself. I kinda did...ugh!

I immediately spot him at the lockers filling his bags with books.


I walk towards him,"Hey", my voice in a squeaky manner...that came out wrong.

"Salamualaykum to you",he looks at me obviously bewildered.

"Walaykumsalam", he doesn't even seem, angered. I smile,

I guess there was no mission after all.

Don't you dare listen to negi. You know what I can do!

Ugh, I'm sure she is gonna wake guilt up. And I don't want her bothering me. My smile instantly turn to a frown.

"Look, and listen to me carefully cause I am not saying this twice", I say looking at his eyes that is guarded by his glasses,"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, I shouldn't have broken down like that, apart from that you were just being a friend by asking about me but I flared at you for some reason", and I said all that looking down, I felt really good with my accomplishment, so I smiled at myself and raised my head up,"I'm sorry".

"Apologies accepted", he beamed.

"No, no, no...I should apologi.."...wait what?!...i was expecting the normal cliche,'oh you don't have to',or 'no offense taken' or something but, It was that simple!

"Of course, it's that simple to apologize, apologies, never hurt anyone", he said now closing his locker. I said that out loud, at least, he didn't give me a hard time.

Ok, that went well!

Right!, See it didn't kill you now, did it?

We walked through the hall ways in silence when I saw Humaira, and well the same ol' drama, I shook my head... She betrayed you, she obviously doesn't need you!. The voice screamed, obviously negi.

Ugh, stop it.

Zak must have noticed my unstopping banter with myself,"isn't that your best friend?"

"She is my best friend...",it slipped from my mouth before I could even stop it,"I mean ex-bestfriend, I mean she used to be close".

He mouthed an 'oh" before he continued,"why ex and used to".

I told him everything that happened while walking through the hall going to our class, we finally sit down and since we were the only two in the class apparently, I spat it out,"she betrayed me". I put it in those three simple words.

"Have you faced her, talked to her, about what's wrong", he said looking at me as a matter of fact. Was this guy not hearing my story.

"Weren't you listening?!", I gritted.

"Trust me I was, every detail, but you should know, whatever you did was not talking to her, that was called 'accusing'..", he said laying an emphasy on accusing. I scrunched my face up in confusion.

"You didn't ask what's wrong with her, you just went straight up to her and accused her,is that the right way?", He asked, making it look like he was scolding a 5 years old.

"No", I looked down.

"Exactly, she might have hurt you or done some things to you but, that's why she is your best friend, you call her that for a reason. Right?", He said now leaning back into his chair.

Complicated [Mafia Hijabi Story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora