Chapter 5 - Find Out On The Next Episode Of 'Exercise Or Exorcist?'

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"Slow down Mel, I think I'm tasting colors," I panted, my heart rapidly beating against my ribcage.

"Keep up or get left behind," she yelled, but noticeably reduced her speed out of the goodness of her heart so that my pathetic ass could catch up without committing fitness suicide.

Mel usually went jogging once or twice a week by herself but today I decided to join her because I wanted to clear my head after the horrible trainwreck of an interview that I'd had today.

I thought jogging would be easy because that was how it looked in the movies with the effortless strides, long hair blowing in the wind like some sort of goddess, and let's not forget the non-existent sweat.

Boy was I wrong.

My body felt like it was overheating and would never revert to normal temperature even though sweat was pouring off me in bullets.

This was hell.

"Can we stop at that bench to sit and catch our breath?" I pleaded, minutes away from a fainting spell.

If I fainted in the park, in public, I would simply pass away.

The embarrassment would be more than enough to kill me.

"We can stop if you want," she chuckled, not even a hint of heavy breathing present in her sentence.

"If I didn't want to, I wouldn't ask, dummy," I snarked, annoyed at how physically unchallenged she was.

She snickered at my use of the word, 'dummy'.

"Exercise really brings out the worst in you, Mia. Even your comebacks turn to trash."

I ignored her statement and practically sprinted to the bench like a cheetah, then sat down on the side that was shaded by an old beech tree.

The park was a great place for jogging because of all the trees that served as shade that kept the path relatively cool.

Mel plopped down beside me on the bench.

"We need to talk," she announced in an ominous tone.

"About what?" I hesitated.

Did she find out that I was the one who ate her M&M's last week, and not James?

I had pinned it on him because I knew she wouldn't mind if her precious boyfriend ate it.

Sue me.

"You don't ever go on jogs with me, as a matter of fact, you don't jog, period. What's up?"

I sighed in relief.

She didn't know.

"I'm thinking about calling Gareth about the job offer because I haven't had any luck with finding jobs on my own," I admitted, then took a large swig of water from my bottle.

She laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I questioned with a frown.

"This is serious!"

She rolled her eyes and then gave me the 'are you serious?' look.

"Ok fine, it's not that serious," I agreed with a sigh.

"I think that this is the opportunity you've been waiting for Mia, but you just didn't know it," She answered with a small smile.

"Because what could be more exciting than working for the 'Rafael Montero'?"

I shrugged.

It would be the exact opposite of working for Todd 'cut my sandwich please' Milner.

"I know it's a great opportunity but what if I'm not taken seriously because I was recommended by his friend who has no evidence that I am a valid candidate for this job, I only met him once for crying out loud!"

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