Chapter 4 - I Forgot How Horrible Interviews Were

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Rafael Montero.

The man had been accused but never convicted of countless crimes that ranged from embezzlement to the murder of his father.

I had seen his name countless times in the news.

He was the most notorious man in the New York business world but also one of the richest.

He owned hotels, media companies, and many other businesses that I couldn't remember but his parent company was his E-commerce business, Montero Industries, which many suspected was used to smuggle drugs into the country.

The masses referred to him as 'The Nightmare of Wall Street".

"Is he the one that's always in the News?" Mel asked, partly distracted by the janitor who was wiping the man with the toupee's vomit from the floor.

Gareth laughed.

"Yes, that's him."

I frowned.

Was this guy serious?

"How can you be friends with someone as shady as Rafael Montero?" I asked incredulously.

"He's been my best friend since high school so I think I have a better knowledge of who he is than some girl who has only read about him in the tabloids," He snapped and I instantly regretted opening my stupid mouth.

All I did was embarrass myself.

"I'm sorry Gareth, I didn't mean to offend you or your friend," I apologized sincerely.

He had been nothing but nice to me since we met downstairs and I had insulted his friend and him in the same sentence.

"It's okay Mia, you didn't say anything wrong because that's what all the papers are saying anyway, but he is my best friend so I know better."

But did he?

I found it hard to believe that Rafael Montero was really a good person when everyone else believed otherwise.

I would have to see it for myself.

"We're gonna call it a night," Peter announced and scooped Maria up into his arms.

She was still asleep.

"Is she alright?" I inquired because she looked pretty comatose.

"Yeah, this is just how she gets after a few drinks," Peter grunted.

It looked like he was struggling to manage her weight but I said nothing.

Not gonna put my foot in my mouth again.

"I'll see you soon, brother," Gareth stated when Peter started to retreat with Maria.

"See ya and it was nice meeting you, Melissa and Mia."

"You too," I replied easily.

"Yes, it was nice to meet you both" grinned Mel as Peter and Maria disappeared down the stairs.

"Are they dating?" I asked Gareth out of curiosity.

"Maria has no idea that Peter likes her."

"Why don't you tell her?" Mel questioned.

"I'll wait for the petals to fall where they may," He smirked.

I could understand that.

"So do you still want the interview?"

I shook my head.

"I don't think that I would want to be anything like a secretary again," I lied through my teeth.

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