The beginning of it all

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                                AUTHORS  NOTE

     This is my first time writing a book, no my grammar isn't always going to be correct so don't come at me  this book will contain a whole bunch of SMUT and Love get ready

the first few parts are short but they get longer I promise enjoy the book


Knowing I only had three days left in Minnesota I decided to throw myself a small going away party at the small bar in town. The people that were invited were my mom and dad and my only friend, Jayce. Because those were the most meaningful people in my life at that time.

We all got caught up in life Jayce just was getting ready to mingle after being heartbroken by this douche named Chace who cheated on him a while ago. Mom and dad well they are just living a happy married life. While we closed our tabs on our drinks the bartender wrote his number on the back of Jaycee's receipt. Hearing the bartender whisper to him

"I hope to hear from you soon, handsome"

Jayse blushed and said maybe if you're lucky said with a shaking breath

While we all walked outside, I said my final goodbyes so Mom and Dad this was because they were leaving on a business meeting trip and I wouldn't see them before I left.

mom was taking it harder than dad. Mom hugged me.

"Be careful sweetie"

I nodded."I will mamma"

I turned to my dad and hugged him the hardest because he was always my number one fan supporting me in everything I do. He smiled at me.

"Get you a decent man while you are down there" we both chuckled

As they started up the engine of their old Cadillac after saying our goodbyes, Jayse told them to have a safe trip.

When they took off, I playfully punched Jayce and said so the bartender, huh? I chuckled playfully he threw me a smile and said

"Shut up"

As it was getting late, we talked outside what seemed like 5 minutes turned into an hour. crying because I had never gone more than a week without taking to him besides theater camp when I was like 15.

we hugged

"You better call me especially if you find a prince charming" he lets a slight laugh out

"I don't think I will but you know I can't keep secrets"

that's true I can't keep secrets. It was a thing I struggled with any time I bought him a percent early for something I had to tell him what it was because it was hard keeping it in for a long time

We finished saying goodbyes and I headed off back to my apartment and finished packing things before I went to bed.

the days had passed and it had finally come the time to leave.

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