~Part 6 - what happens now?

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I wake up and there was shining light in my face. I sit up and rub my eyes and see everyone still sleeping in the pool floatys...

I look at my phone it was Monday and it was 6:40am...

I look over to the pool float that Jaden and Javon where on and smile because they were cuddling...

I take a picture and post it on insta...

I look at Jayla and her hair was in her face while she sleeps peacefully...

The sun was coming up...

I try to get as close to the edge as possible and get out of the floaty pool...

I run inside and start to make breakfast for everyone...

Ones i was on my last pancake I hear foot steps coming down the stairs....

I put the last pancake on the table and put butter and syrup...

I hear someone yawn and look back and see Daelo...

He says "y/n!!" I smile and he runs up to me and give me a hug and I hug him back he says I smell pancakes!" I laugh and say "yeah I made pancakes, buddy." He smiles and says "your my best friend." He gives me another tight hug and goes sits down...

I go to the back yard and see the three siblings talking and I say "I made breakfast!!" Jaden says "YES!" He gets out of the pool and run towards me and kisses me...

After the kiss he run inside start to run towards the dining room and the other two siblings follow...

Everyone was in the dining room eating including Jessica and Dj....

I walk over and Jaden taps on the sit beside it...

I walk over and sit down and watch everyone eat. I wasn't really hungry, I'm not really a morning person....

Jaden looks at me a bit worried and says "your not going to eat?" I shake my head and he says "why not?" I say "I'm not really a morning person, but thank you for worrying about me.." I kiss his cheek and get up and head towards the stairs...

Dj says "your not going to eat?" I shake my head and he nods...

I walk up the stairs and head to Jadens room ones I get there I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom in Jadens room and take a quick show and brush my hair and teeth...

Hair and outfit:

Hair and outfit:

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Jaden x y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora