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I don't think you understand how hard I had tried to hide my limp. That even down to the balls of my feet were screaming in pain.

I feared to look at my body in the mirror that was most likely littered with bruises. I didn't have my rubs and ointments with me. They were waiting for me all the way in Allegros. I was so tired, and so, so melancholy. And I honestly couldn't tell you why. I felt stupid for even feeling such a way. That I let such weaknesses hold me back.

But nevertheless I smiled. And waved to onlookers. I pleasantly returned compliments 'you look so pretty today' and 'I love your hair' because if someone even did notice something what wrong, what would I possibly say?

The door to Headmistress Dowling's office was forced open to what looked like a red-eyed Stella. Her heels clicked quickly against the staircase as she aimed to move as fast as possible.

"So I'm guessing practice didn't go so well?" I said slightly strained as I held back a wince. Apparently I could only move so fast before my body would scream in protest

Stella groaned, closing her eyes for a moment. Her nose scrunched as if she were already having flashbacks from undoubtedly underwhelming situation.

"She is a nightmare inside of another nightmare. I'm sure she enjoys destroying-" the girl stopped to take a look at me and I could already tell everything was clicking in her head "What happened to you?"

"Training. Isn't the assembly in a few minutes?" I commented offhandedly trying to continue my sad attempt at speedwalking.

Stella scoffed and grabbed my wrist for me to face her. Disgust formed on her features like she just heard someone say foul.
"I knew it. Of course he's here already"

"W-what are you talking about?" I glanced away

"The demon you call a father. The bruise proves enough, I know his work from anywhere"

I didn't say anything as we continued walking but it only took a moment before the blonde grabbed my hand to stop me which somehow was sore too.

"Ow- Stella, Stella!"

She glanced hastily to the side before boring her eyes back into me "We need to take you to a nurse or something, you're clearly in pain"

"No." I snapped blocking her hand from reaching my then curve of my cheekbone that was throbbing. Stella withdrew her hand with a noticeable frown but she didn't say anything. "I'm fine. We'll go to the assembly as planned. I just need to find Bloom or Musa or somebody"

"No, you can't."

I slowed down my pace, becoming suspicious of her tone. It was fearful. And not the general fear that has come along with today in particular but one that has only been unlocked recently.
"How come?"

There was a silence at first but as I was about to repeat the question she spewed out her request haphazardly
"I kind of need you to sit with me up front"

I halted, my eyes wide.
"Stella - I can't"

"I know-"

"-it'll look far too suspicious and it will just take a couple of questions before people actually begin to think start putting two and two together"

𝑺𝑶𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑻𝒀 - 𝐹𝐴𝑇𝐸: 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐼𝑁𝑋 𝑆𝐴𝐺𝐴Where stories live. Discover now