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After the Burned One Fiasco part 3, it was safe to say that it was the last straw. I guess consistent defiance was bound to lead to something, right?

Anyways we were all woken up at the crack of dawn, on a Saturday might I add, to meet the Headmistress in her office at 7:45 and something tells me that tardiness was definitely not an option.

Today was just not the day. Come on, walk with me here: Firstly we were all forced awake by our Headmistress which was definitely not a good look so the day already started with everyone all groggy and unhappy.

Secondly we were woken up at 7 so not only were we tired, we were all fighting to get ready on time. So those who were coming close to the last ones and were fretting about the time were at least mildly anxious/irritated.

Thirdly at least 4 out of 6 of us were hungover, it showed on some more than others which definitely wasn't cute.

And finally we didn't get to eat breakfast....
I shouldn't even have to explain that one.

So in conclusion everyone to some degree was in a sour mood. I tried my best to perk up at least a little bit but considering I fell asleep a couple hours past midnight I noticed myself feeling super sluggish.

Getting ready this morning was a bore and I didn't really plan on putting in too much of an effort. I put my long copper locs into a low ponytail and just put on a super casual outfit.

For once I didn't care that I was wearing tracksuit bottoms in front of the Headmistress, I was bloody exhausted.

Like why would no one mention that dancing most of the night in high heeled boots and then enduring emotional stress of yet another death and furthermore tracking down and fighting a Burned One would be tiring?

Anyways, no one really spoke on the the way. We collectively decided against ruining the mood even further.

"I suppose that it's obvious that your consistent disobedience is completely unacceptable. Hurling yourselves into the face of Burned Ones exposes you to great danger"

I pursed my lips at Miss Dowling's scolding tone. My eyes naturally tried their hardest to retain its focus on the speaker but it and lecture that didn't seem to end.

"-after many warnings you still manage to disregard them, that's why Headmaster Silva and I have come up with a sufficient punishment. However I fear that 'sufficient' isn't enough for you young ladies." The Headmistress glared at all of us one by one. Once her stare met mine a pang of shame pierced my heart.

Something told me that I should have known better. Or found a more rational solution. The thought of getting into major trouble made the weight on my shoulders just a little heavier than before.

The older fairy finally had done scrutinising us and made her way to the door.
"Now please follow me"

We all made either confused or wary glances at eachother before compiling and following the Headmistress.

"Now just so you'll remember this lesson you will be cleaning the entire East wing from top to bottom. It is to be mentioned that any use of magic will not be permitted and anything that's left undone will be carried over every day until the task is completed. Do I make myself clear?"

𝑺𝑶𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑻𝒀 - 𝐹𝐴𝑇𝐸: 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐼𝑁𝑋 𝑆𝐴𝐺𝐴حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن