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"Miss me bitch?"

To say that Stella of Solaria was shocked was an understatement. She was absolutely astonished seeing me here. Her eyes wide, her jaw was on the floor, the whole package.

"Well are you just gonna stand there love, where's my hug?" I giggled.

Stella seemed to snap out of it and she ran towards me, squealing like a kid in a candy store. The blonde tackled me into a tight hug, so tight that it made it nearly impossible for me to breathe. We pulled away from the hug but still held eachother in an embrace. Within seconds we both were spewing out a series of excited sentences at the same time and it just sounded like an incoherent mess. There were a scramble of 'how are you's, 'it's been so long's and 'I've missed you's

"Oh my days look at you, you're so pretty" I exclaimed. She did look gorgeous though, her hair was perfectly curled and she wore a pink sparkly top and high waisted black trousers. However I adored her flower necklace the most.

"What do you mean look at me? Look at you!" Stella flashed her pearly whites.

"Oh, shut it." I rolled my eyes playfully

"I'm serious you look stunning." Stella looked at me up and down but then stopped herself before giving me a puzzled look "wait a minute, what are you doing here?"

"What do you think I'm doing here, I kinda go school here now" I replied in my "duh" like tone.

"Well obviously but-"

"I'll explain later" I stopped her.

She just pulled me back into another hug and whispered: "I'm so glad you're here"

"Me too"

"Ummm hate to interrupt....whatever this is but we wanna meet the new girl too" I turned my head to the right to notice the rest of the girls watching us with bewildered expressions.

Is it a little weird that I forgot that there were a whole four other people in the room? Probably. Well that's awkward. If I could blush I would, trust me.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I apologized, laughing awkwardly "I didn't mean to just ignore you guys like that, that was really rude of me. I'm Cadence and you guys are...?"

I waited for someone to introduce themselves. A short and curvy girl who seemed rather pale with brown hair that reached her shoulders held I wide smile as she spoke.

"Hi there I'm Terra, as you can guess my name I'm an earth fairy, most of my family are earth fairies actually, did you know that my father actually owns Alfea's greenhouse - maybe that's why I love plants so much but I spent so much time there growing up, one time Dad was trying to extract the seeds of a cactus and he pricked himself so many times he thought he was practically on deaths door, honestly he was being so dramatic" pausing for a second her smile quickly fell "not that you needed to know all that, I'm sorry"

"No not at all, think that it's cool that you're an earth fairy" I reassured her. "Are those your petunias?" I curiously peeked at over her shoulder

Behind Terra were the bunch of beautiful white flowers on the coffee table in the middle of the room. Actually, now that I had looked around, there were a variation of different plants that were littered everywhere. Big plants that had large, captivating leaves. Small plants that were only shrubs in their tiny pots. As well as the trailing ivy that dangled from their spots above us.

𝑺𝑶𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑻𝒀 - 𝐹𝐴𝑇𝐸: 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐼𝑁𝑋 𝑆𝐴𝐺𝐴Where stories live. Discover now