Fluke part 2

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"You will remain here." A scarred faced guard pushed Gun into his chambers.

"I have to prepare for the banquet!" Gun called out, finding any excuse to see the others they needed to  know about Fluke. Would Haren Gulf be able to inform them? Gun paced back and forth.

"So your back?" a raspy voice from behind Gun asked making Gun jump up.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Gun had forgotten all about the cocky man he was supposed care for.

"Waiting for you of course." Off winked. He was stretched out, legs crossed and one arm behind his head. The injured arm now showed purple bruises around his chest and shoulder. His black hair was brushed back and his eyes held a mischievous glint.

"Get out!" Gun snapped pointing to the door the events of the day too much handle. He wanted to be alone and having this man in his room was not what he needed right now. "Get out!" He repeated stomping his foot and glaring at the handsome man.

"First you get me naked, then you try to kiss me. Now you want me out of your room? I feel so used."

"Ugh, Just do whatever you want." There was no time to deal with this man. He needed to warn everyone. He needed to prepare his friend for burial right's... his friend... Haren Fluke... Fluke. Tears fell. He wanted to scream.

"You're that happy to see me?"

"Go away!" The small catch in his throat relieving the despair Gun tried to hide. "Please... just go away." Tear's fell faster and he rubbed them away furiously.

"What's wrong?" Off lifted Gun's chin, wiping away Gun's tears with his thumb. 

"My friend died." Gun hiccupped when his sobs finally subsided.

"You can cry." Off murmured petting Gun's soft hair, "I'll hold you."

"What happened?" Off asked gently, still holding Gun in his arms.

"He drowned in the healing pod." Gun pulled away wiping away his tears. "I found him, he was just floating there. I thought he was sleeping." Gun shuddered at the memory. Then anger filled him. "Someone killed him."


"I'm not sure but Gulf mentioned Haren Art and I wouldn't put it past that ass-kissing little twerp to do something like this."

"Woah, language." Off gasped in exasperated horror. "We don't use that kind of language here."

"You're a moron." Gun smiled, appreciated Off's attempt distract him.

"What? You're the one with the potty mouth." Off lifted his hands in surrender, "Who is this Art?"

"He's another Haren."


"That's what the King calls us."


Gun sighed, "I'm apart of the King's Harem. We..." he paused, he suddenly didn't want to tell Off about his roll as a member of the King's Harem. Would Off stop talking to him? He wondered absently.

"We?" Off encouraged.

"We pleasure the King." Gun's soft voice barely audible, continued. "We entertain King Joss by dancing, singing, serving or... sleeping with the him." Gun stopped, turning away from Off he didn't want to see the judgment on his face.

"So do you not want to be with the King?"

"No." He turned back to Off, hoping he wouldn't see the disgust he knew would inevitably see on his face, but all that was waiting was understanding eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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