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Gulf hit the floor hard, as the guards threw him to the floor.

"You really don't know your place. Do you?" Councilman Kaownah sneered. "I imagine King Joss will soon teach you a lesson you will never forget." The Councilman jeered.

Gulf stood towering over the snake like man. "I don't care what he does to me but he'll pay for hurting my friends and killing my parents."

The slap came quick and Gulf barely caught himself before he could crash to the floor.

"Prepare him to receive the king." commanded the Councilman.

The servants lead Gulf to the dressing room, they undressed and washed him then lathered him with the King's favorite scented perfumes and oils. All he could do was stand there humiliated while they washed and dressed him as if his body wasn't his own. It wasn't his body it was the King's ever since the day he was sent to the King's castle his body had become the Kings and the Councilman's plaything. His only purpose was to serve the King and it filled him with disgust. Making his way back to the weaselly councilman he could feel his eyes on him transfixed on Gulf's body. The robes the servants placed on him showed his long legs and accentuated his long lean body. 

Kaownah imagined his hands on the Haren's leg, tracing the length of them with his fingertips, his breath fell short as he looked at Gulf's beautiful face. With the excuse of inspecting the servant's work he stood closer to the lovely Haren grabbing the beautiful man's chin he leaned in. "mmm... It's a shame I can not take you to my bed. I could tame that fire inside you and mold you to my hand. I would enjoy watching your pretty face as I made you moan in pleasure." The Councilman leaned in trying to kiss Gulf.

Disgusted at the man's words, Gulf stepped back. "I would rather die than have you touch me." Gulf spat.

Insulted at the rejection he raised his hand again but a strong hand caught it just before meeting it's target. 

"I think the King would not like you marking his property before he had a chance to play with his toy."

"Highest Councilman Perth!! I did not hear you come in."

"Yes, I realized that when you tried to sample the King's whore." The man retorted turning to Gulf.

"I am not a whore!!" Gulf gritted, he hated Councilman Kaownah but only Highest Councilman Perth made him feel less than human. "And I don't need your protection." He said glaring at the  man infuriated at the indifference in his eyes.

The intimidating man smiled slightly as if speaking to a small child. "It is my duty to assure that all of the King's property and assets be handled with care and managed properly."

Bitterness filled Gulf's chest. "I see, well this "property" as you so kindly put it is going to sleep." And mourn the loss of my wonderful father and mother, he thought painfully. The memory of witnessing their execution felt far away as if it were someone else who had lost their parents and not him. His chest felt heavy and his throat felt sore, he could no longer hold back the pain he felt, he wanted to sleep and never wake up.

"The King will be here soon. I suggest you prepare yourself to receive him." Perth informed the Haren unaware and uncaring of Gulf's inner turmoil.

"Shall I lay on the bed and spread my legs?"

"Precisely" Councilman Kaownah said with a smile ignoring Gulf's sarcasm.

Fury swelled within Gulf, he picked up a vase and threw it at the Councilman pieces flew every which way as it crashed floor missing it's intended target. How dare they treat me like this. How dare they subject me to humiliating acts, he thought he picked up another vase to throw. "Leave us." The Highest Councilman Perth commanded calmly. His voice was so commanding and calm Gulf stopped just as he raised the vase. Feeling defeated he sat heavily on the King's bed. Tears rolled down Gulf's cheeks as the guards and servants left after cleaning the mess Gulf made with his tantrum. "You as well Councilman Kaownah!" The Highest Councilman commanded.

"Sir I don't think-"

"I do not require you to think at the moment Councilman Kaownah." The powerful man boomed. "Only to leave us!!"

"Yes S-Sir" The oily man stuttered taken aback at the High Councilman's anger. The Highest Councilman rarely raised his voice, he always commanded with quiet patience and confidence that left no room for discussion. The rare outburst had the Councilman afraid to argue and he left promising himself he would pay the Highest Councilman back for the humiliating twinge of fear he felt in his body.

Standing in front of Gulf, Perth pulled Gulf to his feet. "You really are an ungrateful brat." He stated. "Your friends have been whipped and punished for your incompetence yet here your are crying over your own misery. I suggest you remember what your motives are and stop simpering like a small child."

Gulf was so stunned his tears stopped as if they too were confused by the High Councilman's words. "Ungrateful?! My parents were killed and my sis-"

"Is still alive!" The Councilman interrupted, he stepped back and walked to the window of the King's chambers looking down he saw the beautiful trees of their land, pink and purple leaves falling to the ground. They swayed back and forth as if dancing to the tune of their own music only they had the privilege of hearing. Turning he stared into Gulf's eyes his intensity making Gulf squirm. "She is still alive and she needs you to accept the fact that you are the King's property. Otherwise she will be next to suffer the consequences of your actions."

"I can't live like this, none of us can." Gulf said miserably.

"There are ways to get what you want but you need to figure out what your priorities are and what you're willing to do to get it." The Highest Councilman continued, " and when you figure that out come and find me."

Gulf sat in silence when Highest Councilman left. My priorities are to free my sister and my friends from this miserable place and then, I want revenge.

The sound of the chamber doors opening interrupted Gulf's thoughts. The King entered slowly casually making his way toward Gulf as if stalking his prey.

"How are Win and Gun?" Gulf asked cautiously, trying to calm the hungry look in the King's eyes.

"I suppose well and truly regretful." His voice deep and rumbled throughout chamber. "I do believe you said you would do anything if I allowed your sister to live... am I right?"


"Good" Grabbing Gulf by the nape of his neck, the King kissed the smaller man hard, excited when Gulf moaned at the harsh treatment. Gulf tried to free himself but the King's grip was too strong. He kicked the bigger man and King Joss released him causing Gulf to fall back onto the bed. Looming over the smaller man the King smiled "I think you are forgetting your promise."

"What are you willing to do to get what you want?" Highest Councilman's words floated into Gulf's mind. Anything... anything... Gulf thought as he grabbed the King and wrapped his legs around him and brought the bigger man down for a kiss. "No your highness, not at all." Gulf flipped the King on to the bed and straddled him. He looked at the tyrant under him and slowly undressed himself slipping the robe off one shoulder than the other. King Joss tried to sit up for a kiss but Gulf pushed him back down. Grinding himself against the King making the man groan in pleasure. I need a new strategy and I need a new plan he thought as the King flipped Gulf under him again. King Joss kissed Gulf's neck completely lost in his lust unaware of the Haren's whirling mind. Completely unaware of Gulf's calculating plan to kill him.

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