"He's not going to do it. Let's leave this one."

"Shh El. Give it time."

"Sean was beginning to feel beset upon. By whom or what he was not sure but he had a sudden need to be at home, preferably under a duvet. But first-

"How much?", he asked, nodding at the magazines in the man's hand.

Not usually of the generous persuasion, Sean felt a glow of satisfaction at helping out the needy as grinned and said "£3".

What would you know, Sean had found £3 on the ground only that morning. Good things go round in circles. Just as he was about to hand the money over, a young redhead appeared from out of nowhere to lean conspiratorially on his arm.

"I wouldn't bother if I were you", she advised in a voice like silk over polished floorboards.

"No?", said Sean, bewitched.

"Nah", the girl confirmed, scrunching her nose adorably. "You look like you've had a hard day. Why don't you go and buy yourself a coffee before the shops close instead? It's not like you're going to read the thing anyway so let someone else come along and buy it and treat yourself. No one would think badly of you."

Making a show of considering the idea, Sean ummed and ahhed. He had been won over by the girls' argument before she had even opened her mouth, but it was always paid to appear gallant, especially when your companion smelt like a spring meadow.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt", he conceded carefully. "It has been a very long day and I haven't bought myself a coffee for quite some time."

The one he got that morning had been a mocha so didn't count.

The glorious redhead patted him on the arm causing Sean to shiver. She really did smell amazing.

"There you go then", she said. "Maybe get yourself a pastry too. You deserve it."

"I do deserve it", agreed Sean as she guided him towards the nearest coffee shop. "I work hard. The company would fall without me but I never get any credit. It's always Sean do this and Sean do that, never a thank you. And Mum is always having a go at me, telling me to get a life when she's the one who spends her days teaching yoga of all things when really......". So deep in his self-pitying rant, Sean did not notice that the girl was no longer by his side.

Watching the retreating back on her most recent triumph, Lydia made a universal gesture. "Git".

Swiftly turning, Lydia rolled her shoulders and grinned. She was getting good at this, so good that she wondered if she should have gone into drama rather than English. Ah well, there was always Shakespeare society. One could never go wrong with Shakespeare and if her recent successes in helping bastards like that last one on their way to hell was anything to go by, she would be an overnight success.

A brief moment of concern flooded her mind. Was she damming her own soul along with these people, was this Hades' plan? She waved the thought away.

"Don't be stupid", she told herself as she walked back towards the man and his dog. This was Georgie's plan, not Hades' and Georgie would not have suggested something that would cause her friend's pain (Footnote 1). Besides, even if Lydia did end up in Hell once her time on the third rock from the sun was done, she would get to meet so many interesting people. "I wonder if you can publish a book posthumous?"

"Hum?", the young man asked her quizzically, still holding out the magazine Sean had been going to purchase.

"Just thinking aloud", said Lydia. "I'll buy that off you now Brian". Reaching into her pocket, Lydia fished out the preprepared cost of the magazine and exchanged it for her sixth copy that day.

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