One Shot: My Favourite Knight

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New knights arrive at the Kingdom. One of them is Gilderoy Lockhart who flirts with Princess Y/N after the training. How will Severus react to the imbecile flirting with his wife?

This is a request from Amaya_Honeybelle. Thank you for your request!

It takes place after the one shot "What if the Princess Never Left the Castle?".

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 6/29/2022

Word count: 1.2k
Warning: Jealousy

It's a beautiful morning in the Kingdom and the village. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining. It's simply a perfect day.

Severus groans as he wakes up, the sunlight hitting his face. He sighs before looking at the person next to him in bed.

He can't help but smile to himself. After all these months, he still can't believe that the Princess likes him back. And now they are married. Not bad for the knight in black armour.

He gently wraps his arms around her as she stirs awake. Seeing her husband's arms around her, Y/N smiles.

"Good morning, Severus" she mutters, still half asleep.

"Good morning" he whispers in his morning voice.

After a while, he sighs. "We should join your family for breakfast, your Highness" he reminds her.

Y/N chuckles at him. He still calls her 'your Highness' which she finds adorable. Even though she keeps assuring him that he doesn't have to be so formal with her, he just can't help it. It's a habit.

"Very well, my knight in black armour" she replies, giggling.

Rolling his eyes, Severus reluctantly lets go of her so she can enter her wardrobe to get dressed. While she does so, he gets ready himself.

Once they are both done, Severus is wearing his black armour. Y/N is wearing a green royal dress.

"You look stunning... Well, shall we?" he suggests, offering his arm.

Shyly smiling at him, she nods before linking her arm with his. The two of them walk towards the dining room together.

"Y/N, Severus. Good morning" the King says as he greets them, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Good morning, Father" the Princess greets back.

"Good morning, your Majesty" Severus replies. He immediately pulls out the chair for the Princess.

"Thank you, Severus" she says as she smiles before sitting down. The knight takes a seat beside her.

As all the royal members start eating their food, a guard enters the room.

"I apologise for interrupting your meal, Your Majesty, but the new knights have arrived" the man declares.

The King claps his hands. "Excellent! We will be right with them once we are done here" he tells him. Nodding, the guard quickly leaves.

Prince Draco sighs. "Don't we have enough knights?" he mutters, playing with his food.

Well, if they are going to have more knights, maybe he can request getting a new personal guard.

He really despises the one he currently has... The guy is really strict about his sleeping schedule. He's twenty-three, for heaven's sake! The guard acts like the prince still needs a babysitter...

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