Chapter 4

862 38 85

Author's note:
I have decided to update the story every Thursday instead of Friday. I hope you enjoy!👸

Word count: 2.3k
Warning: Mentions of death

It's morning in the village by the Kingdom. Every villager, knight, maid and member of the royal family is awake. The sun is up and the birds are chirping. It seems to be a beautiful morning.

Well, the King doesn't seem to agree with that statement. He looks rather tired while drinking his morning tea.

He never gets much sleep, neither does the Queen. Sometimes she even gets nightmares, which is why the King didn't get enough sleep as he made sure to comfort his wife, shushing her until she went back to dreamland.

After this, he couldn't sleep. Mainly because of worrying if she would get more nightmares, but also because he couldn't stop thinking about his dead daughter.

If she was alive today, she would have been twenty-one years old - a young woman.

Sighing, he looks outside the window while observing the villagers. There once was a time where people could come and go inside the castle as they pleased.

He misses that time when they had visitors admiring the indoors of the castle, he always loved to have a chat with the people.

He wonders if it will ever be like that again.

Just then, the Advisor enters the room.

"Good morning, my King. I have something to discuss with you. There's a rumour going on in the village" she states.

The King sighs at that. "Tell them it's no rumour. The Wise Old Man does indeed have a lemon problem" he says, sounding irritated.

Surely, that could be the only rumour going on here. Even though it should be clear to anyone - Albus Dumbledore has an unhealthy obsession with lemons.

Shaking her head in disapproval, Minerva clears her throat.

"I am sure everyone is aware of that, my King. You see, there is currently a rumour about a new resident. People say that the young woman looks similar to the Queen, and she apparently also has the same name as the late Princess" she tells him.

The King immediately spits out his tea when he hears that, coughing hysterically.

His Advisor looks concerned before he calms down, taking a deep breath.

"The Queen cannot know about this, it will devastate her. I'm sure Y/N is a common name" he says before looking deep in thought.

No villager except for Albus knows the Princess' name as they chose to officially announce it on her first birthday - which they didn't get to do because of Tom Riddle and his men.

Therefore, this has to be a coincidence. And the young woman's appearance being similar to the Queen must surely just be a rumour, right?

Minerva nods, bowing before leaving the King alone.

As she walks in the hallway of the castle, she sighs. She needs to speak to Albus about this.

In the village, Y/N wakes up as she stretches out. She slept well tonight, the bed is quite comfortable. She's really grateful that the Wise Old Man let her stay here in his house.

After she has tidied the bed, she grabs her personal items and heads to the bathroom. Once she's dressed and decent, she walks to the small kitchen where Albus is sitting.

"Good morning, Albus" she greets as she smiles.

Albus smiles back. "Good morning, Y/N. I trust you slept well tonight? Was the bed comfortable?" he asks before sipping on his lemon tea.

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