Chapter 15: "Italian Incident" - The Truth

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- You shouldn't call me an asshole - I said while searching his backpack.

I grabbed wallet and looked at the picture of him and Vegas. They had similar features, but Macau cought my attention more. There was something in his eyes that I hadn't seen anywhere else.

- I don't understand - he muttered.

- I said you shouldn't call me an asshole - this time I repeated it in his native language. He stared at me in shock, I couldn't help but chuckle. - Yes, I speak your language. I know nine other if you are curious, I understand a few more.

- You tied me up to show off? Maybe some privacy? - he wanted to kick me but his legs were too short to be able to do it.

- My sunny boy, you are in the nest of vipers. What kind of privacy you are talking about? - I pulled out his ID and raised an eyebrow in pretend surprise. - Are you Vegas's brother?

- Yes!

- But you are so... soft? - I said, wanting to make him angry, and I succeeded because his eyes began to cast lightning.

- Let me out, I will show you how soft I am! - I laughed, almost falling to the floor and then decided to untie his hands. Show me what you got, kid.

I saw his fist approaching my face, but before it reached me, I grabbed it quickly and tossed him face down on the bed. I tripped by the way and landed on his back.

- I slipped, but this position is quite interesting, don't you think, honey? - I whispered and saw how his cheeks are becoming red. - Sadly we don't have time for this type of fun.

I heard a knock on the door and I quickly stepped back, dashed to the balcony, jumped over to my side, and entered the room while closing the window. I got to know my target and had to admit it, he was tempting. If only he didn't have to die, I would love to show him how good it could be between us, but in the present situation it was impossible. Special room was waiting for us and today Mikolaj was supposed to create an opportunity for me and him to be alone. Then I will kidnap him and hold for a few days. After this he will be killed. It was all settled with Vegas's father, who assured us that as long as we pretended it was done by someone else's attack, we could kill the boy. Macau was sweet, if only he didn't have family from hell he could live a long time. What a pity.


The party began and I immediately sensed someone's curious eyesight on me, so I turned to see Macau pointing at my direction and whispering something to Vegas. He was wearing a burgundy suit which only made him seem more charming. I had the impression that many men and women were watching Macau and his brother with curiosity. I have known this company for a long time and such innocent morsels were treated as delicacies here. For some reason it made me angry.

I watched as his eyes locked on me and a thread ran between us. I had the feeling that I was swimming in those wide, chocolatey pupils until I felt a woman's touch on my back. I didn't remember her name, but it was one of my old booty calls. Macau's eyes widened when he saw us together, so I bowed my head slightly and kissed her shoulder without taking my hungry eyes from him. Time stopped, voices merged into one, and it seemed to me that we would both move towards each other soon, when everything was interrupted by the arrogant voice of Mikolaj.

- Ladies and gentlemen! Time to start our fun. The first of the games will be quite simple, we will pair up in a moment. I hid a few precious stones in the house and garden, whoever finds the most will be able to keep them or replace them and thus sign a contract with me. Isn't that hilarious?

Waiters spread around the room, holding sacks with cards in them. I've chosen my word quickly, then went through all people to stand next to Macau.

- You have 3 hours to find a partner and search, at twelve the person with the most stones needs to be in front of my office to win. Good luck!

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