Chapter 11

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And just like that, the whole school was empty. In the span of two hours, everyone was gone. The halls were empty except for the ghosts that resided here. All because of me, Hogwarts was no longer safe. Because of my family, I was the reason everyone left, but no one knew why. In the final minutes before the train left, fear broke out. First years crying because they had no idea what was going on, other years struggling to make peace. Now me and Draco couldn't properly enjoy winter break. Though he didn't want to go home, he knew as soon as he walked through the manors doors, he would have been ripped away from me, and forced to join the death eaters completely.

My thoughts raced. I couldn't control it. What was going on with me, why was my family like this, and why didn't I know anything about it?

Just then, Draco's parents stormed into Dumbledore's office.

"Albus, what is the meaning of this!" Lucius screamed, "Why is my son forced to stay where when you said it's not safe?"

"Lucius, Narcissa, it's happening." Dumbledore said.

"The prophecy?" Narcissa gasped.

"Yes, and your son, is her familiar." Dumbledore answered, "I believe, until we can figure out exactly what is going on, and how to help Slytherin control it, both of them need to stay here. It's the safest place for them to learn to control it."

"You little brat!" Lucius yelled as he looked at me, "Dragging my son into all the unnecessary bullshit."

"Father!" Draco yelled. "She didn't drag me into anything. I chose her. You know what it was like when you met Mother. You couldn't help it. I can't either. So don't talk to her like that."

Lucius was furious. "How dare you talk to me like that!" He grabbed Draco by the collar.

"Vadat." I thought, my eyes glowed again.

After Draco was release he then put his hand on mine and all the energy flooded out of me and my eyes stopped glowing.

Narcissa gasped, "It's true."

"You've seen it first hand now. The way the energy was release as soon as Draco put his hand on hers." Dumbledore said as he clicked the tv on, "Now watch this."

He played the video of me going off on Cedric. They were able to see first hand was I was capable of doing. Lucius looked directly at Narcissa and thought, "She would make a great death eater, we have to find a way to get her out of her and bring her to the boss."

"Absolutely not. I am nothing like you, neither is your son. You've seen what I can do, and if you try to even touch me or Draco, I will use my ability on you." I thought.

Lucius looked directly at me, "Your just ungrateful. And once this year is over, you will find a new place to stay."

That's fine. I didn't want to go back anyways. Neither did Draco. My parents left plenty of money for me. I could easily find a place to stay or build one for myself.

"Malfoy's," Dumbledore said, "May I ask why you never told Aster about this?"

"We didn't think she was the one." Lucius answered.

"That and we shielded the information from her to protect her from You-Know-Who." Narcissa said.

"Bullshit." Draco thought.

Dumbledore stood there. His mind was racing as well.

"Albus." Lucius said, "You know I respect you, but we are taking our children home. Aster can learn how to control it in the comfort of her own home."

"Lucius I highly recommend against that." Dumbledore said.

"No father." Draco stood up, "Aster needs to learn how to control it before it kills her. She can't do that at home, she needs to learn it here."

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