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Amelia stepped out the front door. She walked with grace. She felt light and her shoulders felt not as strained as they were the past few days. Her fingers brushed through her hair, enjoying the freedom from dirt and grime she finally had. Her dress was a dark green, harsh against her white skin but she wanted something conservative and the dress's long length and long sleeves fit her needs.

However, she felt some nerves grow as she approached Zane's car. He wanted to take her to work again and she was apprehensive. Part of her was worried to run into Carter again. She has yet to move on from the discovery but she was starting to digest the reality of her situation. But if she saw Carter, she would likely break down again. She wanted to hunt that man down and demand answers. Her thoughts wandered to Adrian, making her wonder if he knew about it.

Another was a sense of... she couldn't describe it. She didn't feel like a woman coming to work with Zane. She felt like a baggage he was dragging around with him. Right now he was putting his suitcase in the car and trying to calm Grace who was yelling at him over the phone. She was able to catch her voice, it was low and bold, not like the high screechy voice she expected.

She never got the chance to formally meet Grace. She wondered what Grace thought of her.

She walked to the car and got in. She was careful with her bad leg and her other one bounced as she watched Zane get in the car.

"Just reschedule the meeting." Zane started the car and huffed when he heard his phone connect to the radio.

"I don't have the fucking time to be fixing your mistakes!"

Amelia cringed when her voice came booming through the speakers. Zane whispered sorry as he turned down the volume.

She was now a little scared of Grace if she could be yelling at Zane and getting away with it. She chewed her lip

"You better have a good excuse, Zane."

Zane pulled into the street and stepped on the gas. Amelia was forced back into her seat and she gripped the edge of it. She wanted to hate it but to watch him shift gears with ease and weave around traffic brought excitement and a small amount of fear.

"You're paid more than enough to fix my mistakes so stop bitching."

There was a long silence over the phone. Then after hearing some clicking of a keyboard and a long sigh she spoke again. "That's not a good argument for your laziness."

"Also I'm bringing Amelia. So you'll be extra busy today."

Grace tapped loudly on her keyboard again. "Am I being paid extra for that?" There was a playfulness in her voice that was not there before. It made Amelia feel a little better hearing the bitterness disappear at the mention of her. "Where does she like to eat? And you're not invited for being an ass."

Zane looked to Amelia. "Where do you want to eat?"

She froze. "Um."

"We'll figure it out when you both get here I have a call." She hung up without saying goodbye.

"Does she always talk to you like that?" Amelia played with her hands.

Zane shook his head. "Only when she's mad."

Amelia made a quiet 'oh' as she turned her head to the window.

"What are you thinking?"

Amelia shrugged her shoulders. "It's nothing."

Zane slowed down, going the speed with the rest of the traffic. "She won't talk like that to you I promise. She has just worked with me for a long time."

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