«chapter forty-five: its over»

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(the next day)

My ears perk up as soon as I hear footsteps coming towards my door.

It's only been three days. Probably less by hours. Surely Bruce is close to finding us. But I don't feel like I can hold on to that hope right now. I was taught to only rely on myself in these situations. My only focus is breaking Dick out of their spell. Anything else I know I don't need to worry about. They will find us. But I can't just sit here and wait for it.

My eyes trail Alex as he walks in with two guards, but they aren't him. That brings me both comfort and worry.

Where is he?

"Are you ready, Princess?" Alex smirks at me, making my blood boil.

I don't answer. I almost don't even spare him a second glance.

"Fine, be like that," He huffs out like a child not getting his way before he nods his head to me.

The Talons rush forward and unchain me from the wall, both holding onto the chains attached to my wrists and ankles. They even hold onto my shoulders to make sure I don't move, their supernatural strength apparent in that one touch. It makes my skin crawl.

Alex doesn't say anything else, thank goodness. I can't stand his voice right now. Instead, he silently leads us through the tunnels into a clearing.

There are dozens of people in the room, all wearing owl masks.

I wish I had imagined it when I saw it at the circus. Would have saved me a lot of physical and emotional pain.

"Brooklyn," William speaks, catching my attention and it's only then that I see Dick next to him. I can tell it's him, despite him not holding himself how he normally does. It knocks the breath out of me. "You have one last chance; join us or face execution."

I look at him calculatingly, but don't move to so much as open my mouth. I'm not wasting my breath on them.

William sighs, "Very well. Alex."

Alex is suddenly in front of me, and he forcefully grabs my arm before saying, "Kneel."

To a roach like him? Never.

I don't have much of a choice as the other two Talons force me down to my knees.

Alex still acts as though he is the reason I did it, smirking as he looks around the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. You are in for a treat. While it is a shame Miss Travis will not join us, we gain a new Talon!" William says, making everyone cheer. It's strange, like I am back in the meta brawl ring.

I don't look at anything, I just stare out in front of me, not daring to look in pain despite the several injuries I am still dealing with.

When I do look at someone, I look at Dick, who is staring straight forward. My heart tightens and I try the last thing I can think of.

"Te iubesc, indicii de blues," I whisper.
(I love you, Blues Clues.)

He doesn't move. Doesn't even flinch. And that moment was the moment I think my heart shattered.

"You know what to do," Alex says, looking to Dick.

Only then does he move. He draws his sword, the sound of metal sliding making a chill run down my spine.

And I can't help but realize the irony; all this time I was scared I would kill him. I was so terrified of the thought that was placed in my mind by Psimon that I almost died.

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