But I stayed my hand at time and then drove her far from home
To places far from former keep and there forced her to roam.
And many years did pass and my works were mighty wrought
By the power of my Chidori the ancient saber to this man had brought.

No other men before my might could yet ever fight or stand
Against my magic saber made by an ancient mould and plan
And aided by the skills I held in my own well-trained arms
And many learned that to fight me does only invite harm.

And years I prospered long and well and my marriage came
A bride I loved for long my clan allowed me to then claim.
And all I wanted well in life was held within my hands
As though the fates conspired long to grant me comely plan.

And seasons passed for long and my wife with child did grow
And after many moons to man a boy was born a bold.
A pleasant babe with strength beyond what man had kept
He'd struggled not for skills I had to hone and quick became adept.

And tall and healthy he did grow his arms and legs were strong
As seasons passed us by and the years became yet long.
The springs and summers passed and the falls and winters fell
Upon the land my family lived and the fortress they now dwelled.

And boy did love the world and went about it's wilds
And learned the crafts we asked as any goodly child.
Then came a day in winter when boy to his family did come
With a growing excitement in his voice that beat about like thrum.

To ask if child could go and in the snow with others play
Where all the rest of his friends in their childish games did lay.

"My father please I ask you bid
And time in snow with other's give
The boy to go about and play
Where rest of children current lay."

And boy by parents was grant that he at present hour's allowed
To leave his home and go to join with rest of crowd.
So out he went for long much longer than we thought
And came inside again, and with him foul air was brought.

At time no thought I gave except that boy had tired
And energy he's normal grant by his play had long expired
But every day he went again and fouler mood would grow
Till man along with wife did see some mischief sowed.

The one day he did not come and out to children we went
On hasty legs and pace by our filial worry sent.
But children claimed the boy but only a handful of times
Amidst their mass was kept where other babes could find.

And worry spread in our heart what had our little child done
To go about alone and without the others run?
The whole of woods we searched and finally boy we found
Inside the timbers child by the blinding snow was bound.

To our home we quickly rushed but he cold and white became
Much colder than a man can grow before his life it claims.
And many days we worked to warm our child's form
But colder grew the babe as the many days were worn.

And grief on home had fell at the chief and awful cost
To suffer child's death is a parent's highest loss.
Then sudden boy awoke and began again to speak
And favor ask his parents to again yet go and seek

The snow outside their that child did greatly want
As though his form with craving his very mind did daunt.

"I ask again to go outside
And deep in snow to long abide
By self inside the winter deep
That boy has claimed for self as keep

Release this child from bed he lays
The place you bid me current stay
And let me go for briefest time
Into the falling snow to find

The respite thing to child does grant
I bid you sure as time be scant."

A Ballad of SamuraiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя