Chapter 14: The Battle with the Corrupted Spirits

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"Yeah Poppyfrost, dad is right. Hollysong died with honor." I yelled. "You will regret this day Midnightbreeze and you will be the ones that I go after in the war." Poppyfrost said as she ran out of the base and towards the entrance of the dark forest. My sister has lost her mind to that monster Darkpath. "And with that colony dismissed." Dad announced as he jumped off of the tall rock and walked to his den. Batripple walked over to me. "You did great out there standing up to Poppyfrost." Batripple said. "Thanks Batripple, but I don't know what she is going to do now that she's working with Darkpath. I'm scared of what she is going to do. She is doing the wrong thing." I said as she put her tail on my back. "But you have me and the kids, now which side are you on mine, the ancestors, and your colony or the corrupted spirits with your sister?" Batripple asked. "Of course I'm on your side, I have my colony mates at heart." I said. Dad walked over to me and Batripple. "Midnightbreeze, what your sister should've known better before she call you those things." Dad said as I jumped up onto the tall rock. "I need our strongest rangers to accompany me to find my sister. Who's with me?" I announced as Bramblestone, Acornfur, Maplegaze, Darkmist, Fernlight, Batripple, Ravenwind, Chervilberry, Duskwind, Dad, Raccoongrass, Boulderpath, and Snakeheart gathered around. "This will be the toughest thing we have to do. So hears the plan. I will enter the dark one of our ancestors protection, then if you hear from me in a while, Bramblestone you lead the the them in with you but hide until I give the signal to attack. Now we set out." I announced. "Lead the Midnightbreeze, talk some sense into your sister. We will be right behind you." Dad said to me. We left the base for the dark forest. Batripple walked up to me. "You are really brave Midnightbreeze, I love you." Batripple said as she licked my cheek. I led us to the entrance of the dark forest. I turned to my patrol. "Remain calm everyone, I'm going in. If I don't make it out alive just remember that I will always love you, Batripple. " I said. "Be save in there, please." Batripple said as she gave me a encouraging lick on the cheek as I walked into the dark forest. I immediately saw Darkpath and Poppyfrost. I don't want to fast, what if they kill me. "Remember Poppyfrost, this is what you been training for." Darkpath said to Poppyfrost. "Yes Darkpath, I won't let you down." Poppyfrost said. "I'm scared, ancestors please talk to me." I said as Volestep, Blackstripe, Spotteddream, and Darkspot appeared beside me. "We are here." Volestep said. "Remember, don't let them see you." I said as I stepped out of where I was hiding. Luckily for me I have midnight black fur to blend in with my surroundings. I stepped on twig and it snapped under my paw. Darkpath's ear pricked. "Who goes there!" Darkpath hissed. "Cloudclaw, Swanstorm bring here our little guest." Darkpath said as Cloudclaw and Swanstorm walked over to me and dragged me out of the shadows. "You...won't get...away with this." I breathed. Bramblestone led the group into the dark forest. "Tie her up to that tree in the middle of the clearing." Darkpath hissed as Cloudclaw and Swanstorm tied me up. They took vines and wrapped it around me. "Darkpath let my daughter go, you monster!" Dad yowled as he tackled Darkpath. Batripple ran to where Darkpath tied me up with our daughters Chervilberry and Duskwind tailing her. "Batripple, please help me down?" I asked in tears. "Of course anything for you Midnightbreeze. Girls helps fight of the corrupted spirits as I untie your mother." Batripple said as she untied me. "Thanks Batripple." I said as we fought off the corrupted spirits.

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