"Jeongyeon!" Nayeon catches the taller korean before she could kiss the ground.

Jeongyeon snaps out from that memory and she buried her face in her hands, First time I got drunk and I became an embarrassment in front of Nayeon. I'm never drinking again!

Jeongyeon removes her face from her hands and glares at herself in the mirror. She looks down and places her hands on the running water.

Jeongyeon gargles a mouth full of water to remove the acidic taste of her puke, Disgusting.

She spits the water out and continues to wash her mouth. She grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste to finally eliminate the acidic taste.

Jeongyeon ran her tongue over her lips then paused her action of putting toothpaste on her brush. She licks her lips again to check.

Vanilla? Jeongyeon's brows furrow in confusion. Since when did I eat anything relating to vanilla last night?

Jeongyeon ran a finger on her lips and it tingles from her touch, I don't remember eating anything of that kind last night... But I was drunk so I guess my drunk self ate something.

Weird, Jeongyeon thought but then shook her head. Never mind that, I gotta shower and change - I'm still wearing my clothes from last night.

Jeongyeon brushed her teeth and stripped herself bare after, to take a long and relaxing bath -hopefully, it would ease up her headache and nauseous feeling.


Jeongyeon heard a knock on the door after she finished bathing. She ran out of the bathroom and called out to the person outside, "Um wait! I'll be right there in a moment!"

But since Jeongyeon still had the after-effects of being hungover, she almost stumbled down the floor from the sudden dizziness that attacked her senses.

Ugh no, I don't wanna vomit again fuck, she
cursed in her head while leaning her hand on her cabinet.

Jeongyeon took another deep breath and opened the cabinet to grab her clothes, she hastily clothed herself.

After finishing clothing herself, she slowly
walked to the door - afraid of making herself
dizzy from walking too fast that would cause her to vomit her intestines out of her belly, again.

Jeongyeon opened the door.

"Good morning Jeongyeon." Nayeon greets the raven haired with her signature bunny smile.

"Nayeon!" Jeongyeon says in surprise, "Good morning to you too, what brings you here?" she opens the door wider.

"Oh, Come in first." Jeongyeon offers and Nayeon nods her head.

Nayeon enters the room and Jeongyeon closed the door behind her, the light brunette-haired girl was carrying a brown paper bag in her hand. She was wearing her hair up in a ponytail with a loose white jacket, black leggings, with white and black striped running shoes.

"I brought you breakfast," Nayeon raised the
paper bag above her head and smiled at Jeongyeon.

... 私の守護天使...

Jeongyeon's stomach grumbles at Nayeon's words, her cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"You've done a lot for me now Nayeon, you
shouldn't have." Jeongyeon and Nayeon sat on her bean bag chairs.

"Sorry for the wait by the way, I just got out from the bath." Jeongyeon looked at the dark eyed girl apologetically.

"No worries." Nayeon smiles and takes out the
food from the bag.

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