I wear a cream lose jumper that is tucked into some skinny dark checkered trousers. I have a shirt underneath where the collar sticks out the jumper, yes it might be nearly summer but fashion is greater than comfort in my opinion.

And all my best clothes are jumpers or long sleeved.

I wear a watch on my wrist, a watch I mostly always wear. It's my father's, who got it from his who got it from his and so on and so on. I stare down at it in debate weather or not I should keep it on.

But I can hear Milo's annoyance from all the way up here so I quickly grab my college bag that I preperd the night before and head downstairs.

My mum is at the counter of the kitchen but I speed past and ignore her 'good mornings' so that my father doesn't awake and see Milo just chilling outside.

I open the door and slam it shut- by accident. Then I rush to his car, the windows are tinted so I can't see him but I bet his face is set with annoyance.

His car is a white Bmw and it's quite a nice one, he barely drives it though. Always opts to skate or bike, I get in and he starts the car and as soon as the seat belt clicks in we're already going.

"Jee chill, do you want us to die or something?" I question pissed of at him as I throw my bag to the floor beside my feet. He glances at me and huffs.

"Harvey it's 8:48 and college starts at 9, I don't know what that means to you but to me that means I'm going to be late on my first day!" I roll my eyes at his eccentrics and cross my arms, sinking down in the chair.

I hate when he tells me off like that, like it's my fault. I just wanted to look good! And I do so it worked.

The chairs to the car are nice, black leather and polished. The whole inside is just as fresh and clean as the outside, which I assume must be a hassle since it's white.

I see him look at me in the corner of my eye as we hit a red light and he huffs, "okay I'm sorry, I just don't want to be tardy for my first day." I turn my head to look out the widow and I see his relaftion as he sighs.

"You do look good though so I guess it's time well spent" a smirk forms onto my face but I wipe it off as I turn my head to look at him.

"Really?" We go again as the light turns green.

He scoffs out a small laugh and raises his brows, "yeah, but when do you not" I sit up straighter with a smug smile and nod.

"You are correct there my friend" he just laughs again, he reaches for the radio but my face drops when I hear the music.

"Seriously?" I question and he gives me an innocent smile and a shrug, "why?" It's Taylor swift and I'm pretty sure it's 'wonderland'. She's his favourite singer for some reason, I know this because everyday when we were hanging out he had to mention her in some way.

"It's better than the shite you listen to" my head whips his way as my mouth falls open.

"Excuse you?" I splutter, "twenty one pilots is not shit, take that back you pleb" he snorts at my insult but I'm not joking. He then stares at me with a smug smile as he turns the volume up and I imagine that I'm murdering him for the rest of the ride.

I give him evil eyes all the way to college but once stepping in the building I drop it to look around.

I don't see anyone from my classes that I shared with before half term but it is a big college. I do however see every eye on me, even the blind kid that I've seen around.

That's how bad everyone wants to be me.

I sigh but shake the nerves of as a huge smirk gazes across my face, I stand straighter. A posture my father taught me, he told me this is how one should act in public. Because if not no one would take you seriously and you'd look like a slob.

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