"You mean, other than being attacked and turned into Flying Monkeys? Have you forgotten? There's no safe passage out of this town. You've already been a rodent, Mr. Smee. Does life as a simian interest you as well?"

"Of course there's safe passage. We could outrun them."

"Not with that torso of yours!" Hook told him.

"If we had a fast enough ship, the Jolly Roger or the Black Pearl for instance. You or Captain Sparrow haven't told me whether you found her during the time none of us can remember."

"What happened during that time isn't important," Matthew said.

"Because you three remember. Are our ships okay? What happened to them?"

"My ship," Jackie corrected. "The Jolly Roger is Hook's. And all you need to know, Mr. Smee, is that the Black Pearl and the Jolly Roger aren't here. So there will be no outrunning of anything."

"Well, I mean, what if we found another ship? Any one of these!"

"Mr. Smee, Jacqueline's tried letting you down easy, now let me be more direct," Hook said. "She, Matthew and I have no intention of leaving this town."

"Captain, I agree with you. This place has its bright spots. I have never tried anything quite like frozen yogurt before. But the Wicked Witch is here. And with that sort of danger, what possible reason do you three have to stay?"

Matthew saw Emma and Henry approaching. "Our reasons are our own. Question them again at your peril."

"Sir." He left.

Emma said to Henry, "Wait here, okay?" She walked over to Hook, Jackie and Matthew. "Didn't he used to be a rat?"

"Aye," Hook replied. "In many ways, he still is. To what do we owe the pleasure, Swan?"

"I was wondering if you all could take care of Henry again."

"If you want to get close to me, you just have to ask," Matthew told her. "There's no need to use the lad as an excuse."

"Why am I not surprised you're making this about you? I need your help because Regina needs to train me in magic. We think together, we might be able to defeat the Wicked Witch."

Jackie smiled. "Well that's the first reasonable plan we've heard since this all began. Magic is part of you, Swan. Don't forget Hook and I were there when Cora tried to steal your heart. We saw the power inside of you. It's about time you embraced it. It's what makes you the savior."

"I'm not embracing anything. I need to learn magic to defeat Zelena and make sure everyone here is safe. After that, I'm done."

"Done with what, exactly?" Matthew questioned.

Emma looked at Henry. "He doesn't belong here, not anymore. He belongs in the real world, in New York, in the life that he remembers. It was good. And it didn't involve vile villains."

"What about the life you remember?" Hook said. "You can't just pretend like this never happened. Trust me. Jacqueline, Matthew and I spent the last year trying to do just that. Return to the person we used to be, and it didn't work."

"Why? What happened over the last year that you three aren'tk telling me?"

"It matters not. Just take it from us, just this once. No matter how much you wish you could go back to your old life, you can't."


David and Mary Margaret were walking along the shore.

"We can't just sit back and do nothing," David said.

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