Chapter 6

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Will looked around the room frantically .
Nononono this was not in the plan where is he ? Was he shifted into another room ? Was this all a trap ....trap to lure will in?

His train of thought was intruded when he heard a slight growl from the darkest corner of the cell. He walked cautiously towards the glass panel and placed his hand over it narrowing his eyes to adjust onto the darkest corner.

"Hannibal " Will breathed out softly . The crouched figure moved as if scared.

"Hannibal it's me .....come closure "will pleaded but the figure didn't move.

Now wills eyes was perfectly adjusted to the darkness and what looked back at him shook him to his core. It was hannibal.......but it didn't look like his hannibal anymore.

The figure with hannibals face looked pale and extremely malnourished. His hair was cut too shortly and bruises could be seen on his high elegant cheekbone. He was dressed in nothing but rags and his body was black with dirt. No longer were those eyes bright with intelligence. It had dimmed and was a void of hollowness.

Will pounded on the glass plane with sense of overwhelming anger which cause the figure to cower more into the shadows. Hannibal cowered and retreated fear and confusion evident on his eyes which caused wills heart to break into many pieces.

'Get him out 'Will thought as he glanced into his watch 5 min passed .
"Hannibal ......hannibal ......" Will said softly but no answer was received
Will gritted his teeth and reluctantly said " exp - 001"

Hannibal suddenly came in alert and looked directly at him as if recognising the title.  Will calmed his anger and repeated softly " .......exp -001 come closer "
The hallow figure of hannibal finally moved forward out of darkness.

How dare they how dare they make this out of the great hannibal. They dare to rip him off his sanity and humiliate him. Treating him like a caged animal in a zoo just so they could look at him through the glass plane

Oh ,oh they will pay, they will pay heavily will promised himself as he slowly opened the glass door. Hannibal cowered and shivered his vacant eyes looked frightened and nervously.

Will  stepped inside the cell slowly raising his hands up in submission

"I won't hurt you. Come with me .......please ......"

Hannibal moved back without a hint of recognition.

"Hanni-........exp -001 come with me " he demanded slightly hardening his tone . He could clearly see fear inside hannibal as he reluctantly dragged across the cell raising his hands infront as if to let will cuff him many other times that he had been chuffed and dragged away.

Will couldn't help himself but take the older man's hand and embrace him tightly . Still the tingling smell of hannibal filled his nose as he felt the man startle by the sudden sense of compassion. Will gingelry rubbed the shaking man's back as he kissed his hair softly and whispered

"Let's go home "

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