Relevations And Siblings

341 7 0

[Text] : Author's Note (A/N)
"Text" : Speech by regular people.
{Text} : Poké Speech
[Text] : Telepathy


"So what did I do first coming here Pikachu?" Ash asked his partner.

Pikachu mentally face-palmed. Sometimes his trainer was just an absolute idiot. "Pi Pika chu pika." {We went to Lumiose Tower where we met Clemont and Bonnie.}

"Thanks Bud, don't know what I'll do without you." Ash thanked him.

"Chu Pika pi." {Probably get lost, forget everything important, lose battles.}

Ash pretended not to hear that. Ash then started sprinting towards the tower, which was easily recognizable from the airport. Alexa had wished him a good luck and left pretty quickly like last time.

According to Serena, he found out that she had followed him after the Lumiose's Garchomp incident. On one hand he was hoping not to recreate it, on other it had to be done to lure (?) Serena.

But he didn't want harm to reach Garchomp... Also Team Rocket had saved him in the future, so he was willing to give them a chance to better themselves. As he was deep in thought, he bumped into somebody.

"Oww!" He cried out in surprise. The person who bumped into him also yelped in surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry I was just not in the right mind." Ash said, looking at the person.

It was Clemont.

"Oh, it's honestly no big deal. People usually are in awe when they visit Lumiose so they don't look where they are going. My name's Clemont." The boy put his hand forward politely.

Ash shook his arm "It's nice to meetcha. My name's Ash and this is my buddy Pikachu!"

"Awe!! It's SO CUTE!" A girly voice shrieked out behind Clemont. She went forward to touch Pikachu.

The boy looked offended "No Bonnie! It's rude to touch other people's Pokémon and that Pikachu can-"

The girl, Bonnie grabbed Pikachu and started petting him "So Cute!"

"-Shock you. Honestly, why do I even bother lecturing you. I'm sorry Ash, my little sister is a little obsessed with cute Pokémon."

Ash shook his head "Oh no, I'm not offended if you are thinking about it. It's honestly not a big deal. Pikachu doesn't mind very much. As much as he is cute, he is as much as dangerous in a battle."

"Oh, so you're a trainer? Are you here to compete in the Kalos League?" Clemont asked. "Yep. I heard it was going to be organised so why not."

Clemont's mouth twitched upward "Well, since you are a trainer, how about a battle?" Ash smirked back him "Sure thing. One vs One?"

Clemont nodded. Bonnie clapped "Ooh, big brother is gonna battle! Go and beat him! You are the strongest Gy-" Clemont clamped his hand on his sister's mouth shutting her up "What she meant- was ah- a Gym Challenger! Yeah that was it!"

Ash stifled a laughter. They both headed towards a battle ground. Standing on the opposite side, Clemont threw his Pokéball. "Go Bunnelby!"

A white light burst and out came a rabbit like pokemon with ears looking like hands. "Bunnelby!" He cried out.

"You ready bud? Go Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped from his shoulder.

There was a tense slience-

"Battle Begin!" Bonnie shouted.

"Use Quick Attack!" Ash shouted.

"Bunnelby, dodge and use Tackle!" Clemont countered.

Pikachu streaked forward in a bluish-white aura and Bunnelby barely managed to dodge it, quickly approaching Pikachu with its own. Pikachu dodged at his own accord.

Doing It Right This Time! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon