Pallet And Confessions

360 7 3

For easy reading

[Text] : Author's Note (A/N)
"Text" : Speech by regular people.
{Text} : Poké Speech
[Text] : Telepathy


"Uhh.... Where am I?" Ash groaned as he got up. He then noticed Pikachu was sleeping on his shoulders.

But he was not expecting a blue furball sleeping peacefully on his body. He lifted the mysterious pokémon to see it in the darkness. "Riolu!?"

Indeed, Lucario's previous evolution was sleeping soundly. It was odd, because he had thought Lucario would be sent back as Lucario.

Then he remembered everything what happened. Dialga had sent him back in time, when he was to start his journey. He glanced at the digital signboard in the room.

Delacore Islands to Kanto : Estimated Time 6:30 AM

[Oh Ash, I'm glad I found you!] a voice squeaked.

Ash gave a yelp. He recognized Celebi. She sighed a breath of relief [Thank Arceus, I put a time freeze, because that yelp would have woken up everyone.]

"You can freeze time!?" Ash exclaimed "That's so cool!"

[Uh, no] Celebi denied. [Arceus gave me these powers for the time being.]

Ash was confused "How did you even ask Arceus? He's..."

[I just told Arceus, Mew, Dialga and Palkia in this time line about our supposed 'mission'] Celebi answered, waving her hands to quote. [They would have already sensed my presence, but I thought to inform before anyone confronted me about it. Anyways, I explained the situation, Dialga was angry that his future self would do such a thing, Palkia as usual enjoyed seeing an annoyed Dialga. Sometimes I wonder how Arceus stand their arguments. Arceus was obviously concerned, and granted me those powers. Dialga was sulking as usual, complaining about how he was the only one entitled for Chrono Powers. Arceus's glare fixed that though.]

Ash nodded, who was still confused. Pikachu gave a yawn and woke up. He was startled seeing Ash with Celebi. Then he remembered the future events. "Pikapi?" {Ash?}

"Oh hey Pikachu." Ash greeted "Glad to see you're back too. Although I can't say about Lucario..."

Pikachu then noticed Riolu sleeping peacefully above Ash's lap. Ash patted his head "Hey Riol... Lucario wake up! You have to see this."

"Rio?" {What?} Riolu gave a yawn. "Ri olu olu Rio" {Just let me sleep}

"Lucario, it's about you." Ash gently told him. Riolu got up and stretched both of his hands. "Olu?" {Yeah?}

Then he noticed the wrongness with his squeaky voice "Olu? Riolu!?" {What!? What happened to my voice!?}

Celebi explained [I think something went wrong in the process, or this was one of Mew's practical jokes. Hard to tell.]

Riolu then checked out his smaller body. Then began sobbing, with two waterfalls leaking out of his eyes. Ash felt bad for him, so he patted him in an assuring way "Hey bud, don't worry. If you could evolve into Lucario earlier, then you can evolve again in the future." Ash then paused "Wow, that already sounds wierd. You evolving in the future technically, and again evolving in future. Man, my head hurts thinking about this."

Riolu calmed down a bit, but not so much. Pikachu started talking with him enthusiastically. Celebi, seeing it as a chance started talking [About Mew not telling anyone about your situation, I think it would be best if you told Professor Oak.]

Doing It Right This Time! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt