[ S t a r t i n g . . ! ] (OLD)

502 2 7

Old. Remaking. Fixing, I can do better than this. Everything that is labeled 'old' is old, what do you expect?

System startup success! Please answer the following three questions before doing anything else.

Have you ever killed somebody? Do you plan to?




Do you know who Cameron Campbell is?




Do you consider yourself メ9⃨7He̾ʟME͓̽

[ ⑂ E˟˚ ]

[ ṡ }

Congratulations! You passed, you may read the following made by the AUTHOR

Howdy! My name is X, and I will be guiding you through this journey, I use she/they pronouns and that's all you need to know about me, but your not reading to hear about me oh no!

Your reading to see a Max x Reader story with no specific pronoun uses! Only They/Them here pal!! I will gift you this story, but first things first I need to inform you about what's happening dear reader!

(AUTHOR here! Update on July 20 Wednesday 2022: This is gonna start using she / her pronouns at chapter 8, but it will still use they/them pronouns!! Just know this, incase if you don't like that <3<3<3)

YOU are the player! The reader, the STAR of this show!! You are important!!! YOU get to make some choices and decisions, like if you would like all the seasons to be done or a sequel (might not do seasons 4 and 5 cuz I haven't watched it yet and I cant but I'll find a solution)

(Edit at Tuesday July 5, 4:38 2022 : I have watched season 4 and there isn't a season 5 past me. sadly :c)

(Update at Wednesday July 20 2022 : for those who watched season 1-3 on YouTube and who were dumb like me and didn't know where or how to watch season 4, it's on RoosterTeeth, search it up on google lol)

Also, here are some few important things that you NEED to know!!

A BOND or a FRIENDSHIP or a RELATIONSHIP is what you and a character have, or a character and a character has. For example, your BOND with someone can increase or decrease based on your actions or choice of words!

There WILL be parts where it includes the following:

Swearing. Lots
Puking or vomiting
Lots of triggers...
trigger warnings, a lot. 
Grammar mistakes
Spelling mistakes
Mentions of death
And many more!!

SYMBOLS can be seen if the following has happened:
Your bond INCREASED with a character
Your bond DECREASED with a character
You have received UNKOWN and UNFAMILIAR feelings
A character has received UNKOWN and UNFAMILIAR feelings
Your bond DECREASES INCREDIBLY with a character
Your bond INCREASES INCREDIBLY with a character
Someone else's BOND has increased with someone else!
Someone else's BOND has decreased with someone else!
Ex for that : Max Neil

(This example has NOT been put in stories yet, but when I decide to edit the chapters, it will be put!! So it may be confusing, really sorry, fixing soon!!!)

PLEASE be patient with me! I write almost everyday and it's hard to keep up when you have 9 stories that you have to write in all from different fandoms and your slowly losing motivation to write in some of them

( Takes about 1-5 days to make stories, mainly 1-3 though :V )

(Or a whole month—)

Nothing inappropriate, just fluff these are kids goddamn it you weirdo

(I mean, if you count swearing and personal topics inappropriate then ignore this lol)

Please leave comments!! I would like to know if you enjoy these or you want some things to be changed, I will GLADLY do that! Or, if you enjoy it, please just tell me, whenever somebody does tell me it gets me motivated and when I lose motivation to write I'll feel bad because I'll think, "oh but somebody likes it!" So then I write anyways

It will be obvious to know when a SYMBOL has appeared, for it will look like this.


I have a second account, yippee, and you'll never guess what account it is!! hahahahHAHAAHAHAHA

(Updated on Sunday July 10 12:33 AM 2022)

9. This is a slow-paced story and the times where it will start to show some of that good stuff will probably be in season two..! So if slow paced, long stories aren't your thing. Click off and find a story just for you!

(Other update on Monday July 11 1:06 AM 2022)

10. Sometimes, when a SYMBOL is shown, it means that the person might be upset, mad, happy, or 11 𝕷🄾?̸E⃠! For example,


It is the same SYMBOL as when your bond INCREASES / DE-CREASES with a character but it is easy to not get them both mixed up!!

11. Please read the chapter, "* Read please *" to learn a bit more stuff and or general updates on this book..

12.  (T) will be your THOUGHTS! So if you see something like THIS, you should know!

(T) Why is he like that?

Now that we established that, please enjoy reading! If you have any questions, please call 1-7699-STFUNOBODYCARES-77

Oh and, Stay Safe Darlings and Dears !!

911 words <3<3<3

[AUTHOR here! Please note that I am bad at writing, this story is shit and unedited.. Sorry]

[AUTHOR here! SOME parts are unedited, fixing some]

this is shitty, don't know how to necessarily fix it I swear the story gets better and interesting the more you read it!!

I'll remake this page one day

Max x Reader ( Never Knew Until Now ) REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now