"Uh breathing looking pretty." Hyunjin answered with a shrug and looks at him.

"You're trying to make my..crush." Jisung rolls his eyes, he isn't fond of using the word on himself. "So obvious to him."

"Yeah." Hyunjin blandly answers.

"So that's bad!" Jisung snaps out full on pissed and the rest of the friendos turn to look at him with surprise from his outburst.

"Yeah agree that." Seungmin speaks, pointing at Changbin. "Is bad."

"I demand justice!" Changbin screams out raising his arms up and turns walking to his team's side of the sofa bench.

"I think it'd be cute if he knew." Hyunjin tells Jisung, after the others went back to their business. He kept his voice down, pursing his lips.

"More like chaotic it'll ruin everything."

"Where's your positive mind set? Like hey it could be awesome news to him, make him happy. He has a right to know Jisungie." Hyunjin blabbers out.

"You have a right to keep your mouth shut." Jisung scoffed, annoyed and done with listening. He's starting to question why he's still Hyunjin's friend. It just scares him he'll get a bad reaction from Minho. Like he's not homophobic.. unlike his friends in his soccer team ..but Jisung doesn't wanna risk it. He's keeping his feelings locked and secured from that guy.

But the fact that Hyunjin knows really ticks him off.

"You guys almost talk the same ahh I'm sensing a soul mate bond." Hyunjin squeaks. "Ugh I'm shipping it. Watch me make a sign."

"You wanna die."

"I'm too beautiful for that."


"Oh oh it's going it's going!" Hyunjin exclaims as the guys were watching Chan's bowling ball go. Jisung and Hyunjin hyping it up, dramatic yelling from the opposite team.

But the ball ended up rolling to the side, past the pins and into the gutter. The guys from the opposite team booing and laughing now and Chan just sits on the floor lying on his back, embarrassed.

"Oh come on! That's the third time you know!" Hyunjin shouts standing on his feet outraged.

"Here's to still not being in the lead." Jisung sighs out, crossing his arms.

"Yeah suck on that!" Felix blurts out then calms back down. "Sorry I get competitive y'all know that. And you're doing great Chan!"

"Thanks lix!" Chan responds, sitting with a thumbs up.

"Don't compliment the enemy!" Changbin erupts at Felix.

"Hey you guys are still missing a team member." Jeongin points out towards Jisung, Hyunjin and Chan as Minho had gone off somewhere without acknowledging, and Chan had been playing for his turns.

"Probably left to get a refill of his drink." Seungmin says.

"Yeah but for that long?" Hyunjin questions. "Chan already done his third turn for him.

"That guy is hella mysterious and for what." Changbin says sitting beside Felix and he gives the blonde a look, silently asking for a sip from his drink. And Felix seemed skeptical at first then accepts, moving the cup closer to him. Changbin smirks at him and drinks from the straw. Then Felix looks away kinda flustered. Interesting..

"Oh well what can we do, not like we can ask him what's wrong. He'd get pissed off at us like he was at Jisung." Jeongin explained and then looked at him. "Sorry."

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