8| Chasing Realization

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So it's been awhile guys...sorry...:(. I've had writer's block in longer increments before, but this was the longest bout of no inspiration that I've ever had. I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I feel like I need to get at least something out.

So yeah, here I am. Someone once told me that when you close doors, new ones open.

I RAN FASTER than I'd run in a long time as the sound of a deep chuckle resonated behind me and then two sets of pounding feet thundered against the sidewalk. One look informed me that both Isaac and Cole were sprinting towards me at mock speed. I released out a squeak of alarm and turned, darting down the sidewalk towards the end of our street.

I didn't make it.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind, heaving me up from the ground and stopping me in my tracks. I struggled in Cole's arms as he held me firmly against his chest, his breath heaving in and out of his body from the thrill of the chase.

"Lemme go!" I protested, unable to keep the grin off of my face as I struggled wildly in Cole's grip.

He leaned his face forward until his mouth was inches away from my ear, causing me to still. Hot breath hit the side of my face as he whispered roughly, "No."

"I won't tutor you!" I threatened, turning my head so he could see my playful glare. I struggled not to smile, but the corners of my mouth twitched upwards anyway.

Cole grimaced, "Oh no, I'm so scared," he taunted.

"Good!" I took that as my chance to reach behind myself and taser his side with my finger. He gasped and let go of me.

Thundering down the walkway, I turned and gave Cole a cheeky grin and a shrug as he jumped back up. He shot back a thunderously powerful look of irritation that made my knees weak with an emotion I'd never experienced before.

I stopped running so suddenly that I nearly fell on my face as I put a name to the feeling. Do I...have a crush?

Hidden SeamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora